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Response Commentary: Our Grief Denied by Lenny Pozner(Newtown tragedy response)

December 6, 2014 Leave a comment

There is no book in existence, I believe, that can truly exemplify one of the many duties as Americans citizens. From our Constitution, to our sacred Declaration of Independence, it is not just our responsibility as American citizens to seek out the truth, even if that truth, being tragic as it may be, is hurtful to those affected by it but it is rather our sacred duty to find it.

In the Hartford Courant, there was a commentary by one of the parents of the children that died at Sandy Hook, Lenny Pozner. In this commentary he had words to say to those that question the version of events at Sandy Hook. Let me preface this by saying, no parent should ever have to bury their child, it is the child that should bury their parents; this is how it has been since mankind has walked the Earth, and so it should remain. What I will write today, many will hear the message being conveyed but very few will have listened to or have even attempted to understand the message because of its challenge to the establishment and those stuck in their ways. In reality it will challenge, it will insult and even offend those that do not wish for others to perform the simple acts questioning and using critical thinking.

Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates reasoned to his students that in the pursuit of any truth can only begin once they begin to question and analyze every belief they believe dear to them even at the risk of ridicule. If a certain theory passes the tests of evidence, deduction, and logic, it should be used as fact or kept. However, on the other hand, if it doesn’t, the belief should not only be discarded, but the thinker must also then question why he was led to believe the erroneous information initially. This type of teaching did not bode well with the ruling class of Greece. Throughout human history, those in power, the political elite, or privileged class have always sought to mislead the thinking of the masses. Socrates was tried for these “crimes” against the state and for allegedly damaging the youth and forced to commit suicide.

In today’s age, it is not easy being an independent thinker. Even today, those ruling in government, media complex or alleged victims do not kill people for pursuing the truth about the world or their surroundings, well at least not at the moment they don’t but they sure do ridicule you for doing so! They will simply label you as a paranoid, delusional individual or worse yet, call you a conspiracy theorist for simply asking questions and for not accepting their version of the truth or events. In doing so, by questioning the ruling class, the State, or even the alleged victims, they will attempt in destroying careers and reputations in the process. They will call you “insensitive” or worse yet, they will call you crazy, potential extremists made to damage your reputation and career. It is a fate even worse than drinking poison like Socrates did because he simply asked people to use logic, evidence and critical thinking rather than accept things blindly.

However, in lieu of the above statement, I believe, as critical thinking individuals, it is important that we, as adults, scrutinize everything we are told, even at the point of ridicule because this how we are able to determine fact from fiction, truth from falsehood. Remember, it was not that long ago that people thought that Earth was flat, the center of the Solar System, or that the Sun revolved around the Earth. However, through evidence, deduction, logic, critical thinking, and analysis, we have come to terms and conclusion that the Earth is not the center of the Solar System, that the Earth is actually round and finally the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Yet, in his commentary, Lenny Pozner takes aim at those individuals who question the version of events at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. He goes on in his commentary and claims that people all over the internet attempted to spread lies and misinformation. What he fails to realize is that those people are simply not accepting the State’s version of events. Just like the tragedy on 9/11 and the Boston Bombings, they are using logic, evidence, logical deduction, critical thinking, and analysis into assessing the facts, opinions and thus coming to their own conclusions, something of which they have all right to do.

Throughout human history, governments have been known to lie to advance an agenda, whether it be small or large, regardless, governments have been known to fabricate lies. Let us take for example the Viet Nam War. Did you know that the United States government lied to the American people in regards to the Gulf of Tonkin incident? As a result of this lie, the truth became the first casualty of the Viet Nam War, which in turn led to the countless deaths of millions of Vietnamese civilians, and thousands of American soldiers over the course of 10 years. The American people were treated to another lie courtesy of George Bush, Jr., when he made the claim that the Iraqi government was in possession of weapons of mass destruction. Now, the American people are reaping the benefits of that lie courtesy of an out of control Federal government, a complacent judiciary and a chief executive who believes he is above the Constitution; the very document that he swore an oath to, to defend and protect against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

To Lenny Pozner, I say this, let us take the supposition that you are correct. Anything and everything that has been said, collected as evidence or detailed as a result of the Sandy Hook shootings is factually correct. That there are only but some minor errors, such as typos or grammar. The State than, should have no problems or qualms than in answering the questions of the hoaxers. As a matter of fact, it should be able to answer those questions without even hesitation and with ease. Let us also take the supposition that yes, there are sensitive issues, would it not be reasonable to simply mask the names and faces without having to reveal identities? Would it not be reasonable to answer the most basic of questions? For example:

  • who and why did they not allow paramedics and the EMTs inside the school?
  • who declared all 18 school children and six school staff members legally deceased within the first eight minutes?
  • why were no Life Star Trauma helicopters used or requested?
  • what was the name of the certified environmental bio-hazard decontamination company that removed the blood, body tissue, fluids, or blood soaked carpets?

Notice that the questions above are not asking for personal or private information, but rather simple logistical information that any individual could answer very easily. Yet these questions are difficult to obtain answers to because they refused to be answered by the State. In addition, notice that these questions are not even directed at the parents or children of the parents directly affected by the shootings. However, for some reason, to people like Lenny Pozner, they are offensive. If such is the case, how are they offensive and to whom?

Lastly, let us also take the supposition that the individuals asking the “inappropriate” questions or the ones being labeled as “hoaxers” are completely wrong, that the questions being asked are so outrageous, and outlandish or far out there that any attempt to answer them would offset the mental equilibrium of the most sound minded individual. Would it be reasonable to believe, that the persons asking the questions do so at their own leisure, and at their own expense by risking their own credibility? Would it be reasonable to believe that the only damage that they are doing are to themselves? If the children are truly deceased, than what more damage could these “hoaxers” do that has not been already done?

Remember, as an adult that lives in America, Lenny Pozner, you are free to do many things. You are free to change the television channel if you do not like what you are watching or seeing. You are certainly most welcome to turn the radio station off if you do not like what you’re hearing or listening to. You are certainly most welcome and free to ignore the questions or comments being thrown at you. This is a free country! Is it not? And if there is wrong doing on the part of the State in allowing this heinous act to happen, is it not be the responsibility of the citizenry to bring the State and those involved to justice and bare the full might of the American people?

Now, let us play devil’s advocate, let us take the supposition that there are actual fallacies and inconsistencies in the State’s version of events. Let us also take the position, that the State is actually lying about what occurred at Sandy Hook. Would it not be reasonable for the citizenry of the State, and of the rest of the republic to demand answers? Would it not be our duty and responsibility of the people to seek out the truth? If the State and Newtown township has told us the truth, than why does it ignore Freedom of Information Act requests? What is that saying police like to say? If you have nothing to hide or if you have not done anything wrong than you have no problem in showing us the documents or answering our questions. Is that correct? Why pass legislation that makes it difficult or not impossible to obtain records detailing the deaths and injuries? Who and what are you protecting?

For many, taking this stance and this sentiment is very difficult to comprehend, and understand. It goes against what we have grown accustomed here in America now. To not question the government, to not use critical thinking, logical deduction, analysis or evidence to seek the truth. However, I think it is important to note, the pursuit of truth, and accountability outweighs what you feel or think even if that accountability and pursuit of truth offends you. Because if they are going to be passing laws that effect all residents and citizens of this State, than it is our solemn responsibility to ensure all the facts are presented, analyzed, scrutinized and debated in an open forum so that all can see.

We will keep pandering to this form of ridicule while we defer to them thanks to a biased press, a complacent State government, police and judiciary you wouldn’t want to wish on your worst enemy. I take, that back you might actually would!

This situation that we are found with is as much a threat to our freedom as it is to every one else. It is clear indication that we what we need in America, especially Connecticut, now is not more respect to the State sanctioned version of events of Sandy Hook but less respect. It needs more analysis, and an independent investigation because of the questions that have arisen from the State sanctioned version of events of which have flaws in them. We need to stop pretending, because that is what we are doing, we are pretending that the alleged victims, the State, or any one in our government will never lie to the public or that they have our best interest at heart when we can clearly see that they are hiding something and are lying to us.

What we are witnessing before us is a perverted system of evil that encourages the masses to accept everything that they are told, and to do as they say and not what they do. It sanctions the stripping of the very freedom our Founding Fathers brought forth to this continent: a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Any one here in America advocating to contrary to these ideals or values of freedom, in the midst of controversy or not would very find themselves isolated, and if they are in government would find themselves in jail for violating their oaths or office to the defend and protect the United States Constitution. Given the poisonous fiction of totalitarian agenda that is plaguing our republic, this is not something that should be encouraged in any way. It should be discouraged by firm patriots who believe those American values, and by rigorous enforcement of the United States Constitution and values. Remember the Constitution?

Now, I know that I am going to be accused of being a conspiracy theorist, paranoid delusional, irrationally insensitive or disrespectful to families of Sandy Hook by the usual self-righteous pundits or even the families themselves, but in all honesty, I don’t mind or care, because those words have no value in this context. One has been neutralized by repeated dishonest misuse, and the other is a boldfaced lie concocted by the political left in tandem with their supporters from the right in a marriage of convenience which is quite frankly beneath contempt and insulting.

Being insensitive means you do not show or care about the feelings of other people. In the pursuit of the truth, asking questions is not irrational or insensitive because something does not add up. Not asking questions is irrational and pandering to the State sanctioned version of events is downright criminal. Indulging the lie, that some how what the State has said and presented is 100% accurate while ignoring the crucial questions of the shooting is more than just irrational; it is downright criminal. And if you really want to talk about being insensitive than look no further than the poisonous fiction that the State recently passed a gun control measure that is supposed to keep you safe, but in actuality keeps you less safe and only affects law abiding American citizens and not the criminals who look at these laws as a joke. The State governments that promote this form of Constitutional violations are criminals, and the civil servants who pander to it, and enforce it are criminals. The university lecturers, school teachers and principals who encourage it are criminals. The journalist who also encourage it are criminals. The ordinary people who say one thing in private and another in public are cowardly un-American cowardly hypocrites who would rather be subjugated than free.

If we can not bring ourselves to say or ask what is in our hearts when it truly matters or when the truth is on trial, then we have already given up our way of life, our right to ask questions(regardless if some one “feels” offended) and our freedom, and with it the freedom of future generations which is something that we have no right to do.

We didn’t earn this freedom! It was handed to us on plate by people who did earn it with their lives. We do not own it, we are the custodians of it. It is not ours to give away. So it is time to speak up people of Connecticut and America. It is time to stop whining and bellyaching about the Middle East for five minutes and show a little back bone for once, just once. Or do we want to spend the rest of our lives cowering like a bunch of frightened mice from a cabal of insensitive anti-American bigots who think they have a right to poke a finger into our chest and tell us what we can, and can not ask, say, do or think because we have questions, doubts or concern? Well, I do not know about you, but any one who asks me that question is going to get a very terse unequivocal answer, and it won’t contain the words, “Newtown Strong!”

So Lenny Pozner, feel free to grieve, feel free to call me a hoaxer, paranoid delusional Alex Jones conspiracy theorist. It is your right to call myself, or any one for that matter any and all names you feel that are appropriate for using critical thinking and analysis in investigating the Newtown Shootings. So in the words of Michael Ruppert, an American patriot, and soldier of the truth, to all FBI agents, NSA spies, agitators, tyrants in the United States government, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York state governments, the NYPD, the Massachusetts State Police, Connecticut State Police and all the people who refuse to use critical thinking in the pursuit of truth and would rather be sheep:

a revolution can be anything, but I will tell you this, that a revolution according to Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Monroe and all of the Founding Fathers is my divine right.

So I challenge you Lenny Pozner, the State of Connecticut government, the Connecticut State Police, allow the public to scrutinize all of the evidence, let us find the truth than speak for itself, and than, in the end let us come to our conclusions based on evidence, and not some one’s perceived grief. For as our forefathers, who fought for liberty in the union of the States, the other for liberty in the independence of the States, who through sacrifice, have passed down to us through purchased Revolutionary blood, our duties and responsibilities to our State, our republic, ourselves and those of future generations their unalienable rights, among them the right to the pursuit of the truth, and that when ever any government Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Divine Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles of allowing the people to be the ultimate arbiters of the truth and authority, to be able to affect the future Liberty, Safety and Happiness.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “we the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” So I ask you Lenny Pozner, and those in the government of the State of Connecticut, the Connecticut State Police and all government agents in Connecticut involved with Newtown, which side are you on? Are you on the side of the ones willing to allow the truth to be perverted, along with the Constitution, or are you on the side of the Good People of these States who simply just want the truth? Choose wisely.

One more thing, to the tyrannical governments of New York, and Connecticut, my divine right to keep and bear arms is unalienable, perpetual, and irrevocable no matter how many legislations or laws you pass in fooling the masses in thinking you’re passing in order to keep them “safe.”

Useful Quotes and Anecdotes Used in Commentary

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowned by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – Declaration of Independence, July 4 1776

Truth, justice, and patriotism unite in proclaiming that both sides fought and suffered for liberty as bequeathed by the Fathers–the one for liberty in the union of the States, the other for liberty in the independence of the States. – Reminisces of the Civil War

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. – Abraham Lincoln

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who say it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense. ~ Budha

Sandy Hook Elemantary School Tragedy: After Thoughts

December 17, 2012 Leave a comment

There are few in this enlightened age that can truly understand the events that transpired on Friday, December 14, 2012. While there are many in the media that will attempt dissect and tell their story about the tragedy, it is suffice to say that no amount of analysis can truly bring to the forefront the honest truth of what would possess another human being to take the lives of other humans beings, in particular children. The only real question that comes to my mind is, why?

Rather than come to a conclusion based on pure emotion, I thought it best to wait until more facts are available in this tragedy, and let their be no doubt, what happened in Sandy Hook Elementary School was pure evil perpetrated by a pure evil human being. There are few words that I can use to summarize the individual’s state of mind, and why he or any one for that matter would do such as thing. For many of us, including myself, it is very difficult to understand, and rightfully so. However, now we must begin the difficult task of piecing together the events that led to the tragedy, and pick up the pieces from that tragedy.

There are those that will say, Adam Lanza was simply mentally ill and he should not bare part of the responsibility of what happened because of his mental state. I have been of the opinion, to an extent, that regardless of one’s mental state and past, it does not and should never excuse this type of behavior. As a result, the individual at hand deserves punishment and should be held accountable to the full extent that the law allows. However, Adam Lanza, took his own life before he could be brought to justice and be held accountable. In a similar fashion, he repeated his cowardly but evil act of destruction and took his own life.

Now, because of his own demise by his own hands, we can only guess as to what were the motivations behind these evils acts. We do know his intent was death and destruction, but why? The only person that knows the reasons and motivations behind these acts is Adam Lanza himself. For many of us reading and watching the stories of what happened that day, we are trying to understand why would some one do such a thing? What would possess an adult human being to take the lives of children who are full of life and do not understand the true dangers of the outside world? If Adam Lanza was so tormented, why did he not seek help or talk to some one? Why take the lives of children who have nothing to do with his disturbed mental equilibrium and state?

The more I try to answer the questions at hand, the more questions I have and it is my belief that we will never know why his heart possessed so much evil. There are no amounts of psychological theories that can truly grasp the magnitude on why Adam Lanza did this, for to do so or attempt to do so will contain volumes upon volumes conflicting theories of thought and we will continue to ask more questions.

In my family, we are not immune to death, a long time ago, death came for my cousin, Louie. I was a little boy than, I did not understand the outside world because I was shielded and protected from it by my parents. My cousin Louie’s life style was a questionable one, and eventually, his life style caught up to him by way of a single gun shot by some one he thought he could trust. As people in my house began to weep, and were grief stricken, I noticed that they didn’t blame the gun that instigated my cousin’s murder, they blamed his cowardly friend.

When my mother learned that her boyfriend back than was shot in the neck but thankfully and miraculously survived, she did not blame the gun, she blamed the individual that attempted to rob her boyfriend. It would have been easy for my mother to point the finger at the gun that was the tool to almost kill her boyfriend, but she didn’t because the blame, and I believe, rightfully so, belongs with the cowardly excuse of a man that pulled the trigger.

Some time ago, back home in the Bronx, when I was 16, during the Persian Gulf War of 1991, my brother, Pedro, and I were at the wrong place at the wrong time. We had erroneously decided to go to the store to go by a car magazine since my brother’s employment at the time was car repair. Like all younger brothers, I decided to attempt follow in his footsteps, because he is someone I look up to, even to this day. As we were coming back from the store with the magazines in my brother’s car on Westchester Avenue, my brother called to my attention that the police were following us. As my brother pulled over, and came to a full stop, the two policemen, came running out of their patrol vehicle, nearly stormed our vehicle, pointed their .357 pistols at our heads, demanding the following, “put your f**king hands up, or we’ll blow your f**king head away!” I never understood why we were stopped, but one thing that came to my mind immediately and briefly was how life briefly flashed across my eyes. It was the first time I was confronted with the notion that my life was in literally in the hands of some one else, I was just a trigger pull away from living or dying. I was scared.

It is true, when confronted with death, life does briefly flash across one’s mind, and to this day, I will never forget that horrid moment. When we inquired to the police officers why were we stopped, their simple response was that we looked suspicious and that we fit the description of two individuals who robbed an establishment, even though that establishment was miles away in the opposite direction. When my brother snarlingly remarked is it because us two latinos looked Iraqi, the officer’s response was, “if you were Iraqi, we wouldn’t be having this conversation!” I took that as an implicit threat. We were searched, briefly, and let on our way. That was the first time, I was confronted with death, and by grace of God, we were lucky to go home, and explain to our mother what had happened.

Today, my brother and I can recall that horrid day and evening, but we do not blame the NYPD or the guns that were in the hands two individuals who swore to uphold the law and the Constitution, we simply blame the two individuals who decided to take the law into their own hands.

For some, this may be difficult to comprehend and to understand, but I believe it must be said. Therefore, I summarize that no amount of gun control legislation will be able to stop the non-sense that is happening across our nation because it is not the guns that are the problem. We are the problem, and until we begin to look from within, we will never be able to come to an informed and intelligent answer for the violence. It easy for the media to point fingers at the 2nd Amendment and say “there is our problem, it is at fault!” It is easy to blame something that can not speak for itself, and it is easy to point fingers without any rationality behind it because it is convenient for the media to do so at the expense of our rights.

In some aspects, I blame the media. I blame the media because they implicitly give people, especially those that are depressed and whose mental equilibrium is unbalanced, the notion, that because you are a nobody, in order to become some body and remembered, you should perform acts of violence, look at all the attention you will be given if you perform this single act. No one will remember a man that took his life in his own apartment, or home, but people will remember when a mentally disturbed person takes the lives of innocent men, women and especially children.

No other empirical proof is needed than the sensationalism orchestrated by the media itself by putting the photos of the killer on the front page, and sensationalizing the tragedy for more ratings. It is with great disgust that I say this and shame because the media knows this but their excuse will be it is obligation to report these awful and gut wrenching tragedies. However, it is also their obligation to do so responsibly as intended by our Founding Fathers.