
Archive for the ‘gavin newsom’ Category

Wearing the Mask — COVID-19, aka, Corona Virus

June 23, 2020 Leave a comment

We keep hearing:

  • save lives, wear the mask
  • wearing a mask is a sign of respect
  • when you wear a mask, it says, “I respect you”

Nothing says virtue signalling then having people tell you to wear a mask because it helps you. The problem? Wearing a mask does more harm then good.

Notice now, the governors of several States are now either mandating masks in public and inside buildings under the guise to “protect you.” Where have we heard this before? Hmm, does any one remember NAZI Germany? A small reminder, Hitler did not march into Berlin with army tanks in 1933! Hitler was elected, and the rest, if you read it, is history.

You notice though, the governors that are pushing wearing masks are seldom seen wearing one? Does “rules for thee, and not for me” ring a bell? We protest other nations dictating their citizens human rights abuses, for example, forcing women to wear the hijab or burqa. But yet, here in America, now we are forcing our fellow citizens to wear a medical facial burqa. Again, all in the name of keeping you safe.

It is the same argument certain religious groups use to force their fellow female counterparts to wear the burqa, to keep them safe from prying eyes of men. It would seem to me, that the problem is not the women, but the men who have poor impulse control of their urges, but that is another entry for another time.

Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York

Here’s a guy that needs to stop worrying about masks, and worry about how he is going to explain sending sick individuals to elderly homes, and kill more elderly people. Here’s a guy whose brother is believed to be lying about contracting the COVID-19 scam virus AND then caught in the Hamptons while getting into a scuffle with a fellow New Yorker.

He keeps pushing the agenda, wear the masks. One has to wonder, why? At least from my vantage point, this is done for several reasons. It is being done to justify their power over us. Remember, if the governor by a snap of his finger write an illegal executive order that forces fellow New Yorkers to wear face masks, what else are they going to conjure up in the name of “respect” and public safety. Secondly, once governors start down this path, they never rescind this type of authority. Andrew Cuomo keeps telling us that we have to respect one another by wearing the mask. Unfortunately, Cuomo has forgotten one crucial facet: you are not entitled to respect, respect is earned.

Cuomo on Wearing Masks

Fight tyranny, do not wear the face masks!