
Archive for the ‘freddie gray’ Category

America is ANGRY — George Floyd Riots

America is angry! If the events from the past week have proven anything, it is that America is angry.

When you lock up the citizenry under a false pre-tense, namely  COVID-19, also known as the Corona Virus, and:

  • you tell them it is just being done “protect you”
  • you treat them like they’re a prisoner
  • you treat them worse then a rabid dog
  • you take away their jobs and livelihoods
  • you take away their fundamental liberties

What do expect to have happen? To add fuel to the fire, in broad daylight, an American citizen of African descent was murdered in broad daylight for the world to see. The former civilian police officer in question, Derek Chauvin, was seen video taped placing his knee on George Floyd’s neck for over 9 minutes as he was face down pleading to Derek Chauvin that he couldn’t breath. In the video, George Floyd’s body goes limp, and as onlookers plead with Derek Chauvin to remove his knee from George Floyd’s neck, the damage was done. George Floyd died at the scene.

Outrage has sparked rioting in multiple cities across our States in Minneapolis, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Detroit and possibly New York City.

There are many that are blaming President Trump, White Supremacy, the Alt-Right and other individuals or groups for the rioting and violence plaguing our republic. However, the real blame for all this madness is with our inability to control the very people we elect, AND our failure to rein in properly on the individuals we hire to protect and serve our communities. We have failed in our duty to hold the mainstream media’s feet to the fire, to report the news accurately, and with non-bias. Even at this very moment they are sowing the seeds of discontent, division and are saying that the problem is with White Supremacy, President Trump and White Privilege. However, if they looked closely in the mirror, they will see that it is the mainstream media themselves that are part of the problem!

We have failed in our ability to tell our politicians that we, the people, are the ultimate arbiters of our lives, rights and future. We have allowed people like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Bill di Blasio, Dianne Feinstein and many others tell us what we can do, say or think. They have told us that they know what is best for us, but yet, while American citizens are suffering as a result of State governors closing down their respective economies, people have lost their jobs, their homes, businesses, families, and yes, including their lives. While this is happening, people like Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi and the likes thereof, are still collecting a nice pay check courtesy of your taxes dollars and printed by the Federal Reserve. They tell keep telling us, the American citizen, stay home, stop the spread, but yet they get to roam free, while we, like prisoners, must stay at home or else face the might of the government.

In the same vein, the American citizen, has had to deal another problem. The problem is so dangerous, that to attempt to stop it could cost us our very lives. No, I am not talking about gun or gang violence. I am referring to civilian police violence, their extortion racket and their constant evasion of justice through the judges that sign off on fraudulent warrants, through their inability to de-escalate encounters, their inability to accept responsibility for murdering our citizenry. We, the American people have petitioned our legislators and our courts for redress of grievances but they have fallen to death ears. From video, after video to after video, from story, after story to after story, the American people have shown the world, those we have hired to protect and serve our communities, of the injustices and havoc these individuals have caused to us. Their unions protect them, and tell us, the American people, that because we disagree with their behavior that we are anti-civilian police, that we are for anarchy or what ever the phrase of the month is. All we ask is that they do their jobs honorably.

Even more disturbing, these individuals, swear an oath or affirmation for the Constitution for these United States. Let me show you the oath:

”I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of where I reside against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of where I reside; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter.”

You will notice, in this oath, that the oath the individual takes is to the Constitution of the United States, not their department’s policies, union or lodge but the Constitution of the United States. Time after time, you see video after video of civilian police officers openly violating the rights of the people of these States. Yet, even our Supreme Court, the highest court of the land has ruled not in favor of the Constitution or the rights of the people, but rather in favor of the civilian police. Now, add to that fact that American civilian police for some reason or another has a thing against certain ethnic groups. They have gotten so brazen about it, that even on body cameras or video tape, they have no qualms in violating our rights, beating or even killing the American people. How can we trust these individuals when they can not even honor their oaths? Their mantra is to “protect and serve” but yet, the highest courts in our land has ruled time and time again, the civilian police have not obligation to protect you. Yes, you read that correctly, courts have ruled the civilian police in these United States of America have no duty or obligation to protect you; let that sink in.

The situation with the SCAMdemic, COVID-19, you have civilian police officers, your colleagues, violating the Constitution, but enforcing orders that have no weight in law. Your colleagues have enforced directives that openly violate the 1st Amendment, the 4th Amendment, the 5th Amendment. They are doing the bidding of these governors, and politicians, and while doing so, you have made life for the American citizen much harder. Your profession has stooped so low, that you arrested people for the crime of going to church, to go to a park, going to the beach, or going out for a drive. Even worse, you have arrested people keeping their businesses open so that they can pay their rent, pay their mortgages but most importantly feed their families. The excuse you and your colleagues keep saying:

  • we are just doing what we are told
  • we are just following orders
  • we are just following the law

Do you know who also said the same thing? The NAZIS and their constituents (e.g., police)! They arrested, sent to concentration camps or labor camps, killed and gassed people they did not like. Simply put, the German police were “just following orders.” Never did it ever occur to any one of them to say, “brothers and sister, we shouldn’t be doing this, this is wrong!”

We all saw the death of George Floyd, and there are some that are wondering why is America angry? The death of Mr. Floyd simply was the straw that broke the camels back, and now all that pent up anger, frustration and despair is coming out. In other words, the chickens have now come home to roost, and they are not being nice about it.

We keep hearing about the “good cops,” or the good civilian police officers that are out there, that the actions of a few should not reflect the majority. Unfortunately, as has been the case most recently, the majority of “good cops” are overwhelmingly silent when one of their own colleagues has committed a heinous act such as murdering mentally disturbed individuals (e.g., Kelly Thomas, James Boyd), or murdering men pleading for their lives (Daniel Shaver, Eric Garner, George Floyd). Yet, when these atrocities happen, suddenly then, the “goods cops” we keep hearing about are no where to be seen, or are too busy staring down at the floor in silence. Worse yet, in front of you, you have witnessed your colleagues rob, beat, extort and bear false witness against the very people you are supposed to be protecting, and you have done nothing but to continue in silence.

Finally, now, here we are, and America is angry. You, the civilian police, and your supporters are suddenly shocked at the violence, protests and destruction. You shouldn’t be! It is a bit too late to speak out now against your colleagues who are in part responsible. You should have spoken out earlier or in the beginning, when you at least had a chance to make your voices heard. It is too late to complain and speak out. My question to you, and I do not expect you to answer it, just think about it in your head, how bad do things have to get amongst your colleagues before you do something?! Do your colleagues have to be beating your wife, father, or children. Do they have to be shooting your dog, neighbor or elderly grandfather? Do they have to be violating an American citizens right to bear arms, and shoot them dead before you say, “wait a minute, I don’t think this is a good idea or something we should be doing!” How long is it going to be or take before you actually honor your oath, and obligation and stand up for what is right?

If you choose to do nothing, and continue to “just follow orders” I would like for you to remember, that your children, your grandchildren and their grandchildren are going to have to live in the world you are enforcing. You are enforcing laws not to protect the public, but to protect the political class. I would like for you to look at your children, or grandchildren in the eye, that you are going to continue to enforce a tyranny that is going to ensnare and enslave their future offspring. If you had any intestinal or testicular fortitude, you would take off your uniform and see for yourself the world you created. Now you are the prisoner of the world you created, backed and enforce; your colleagues are enforcing fascism. We are at a critical point, what side of history do you want to be on?

But I have hope, I have hope that there are people in your profession, those that we have elected, those among us, and that we can appeal to. They are decent, caring, and want a better future their children, and grandchildren. If we can appeal to their humanity, to their lofty spirit, as Americans, we can turn the tide against those who wish to see us divided, who want us to be at each others throats, who want our republic to fail. I have hope.

Remember Her Name: Atatiana Jefferson

October 13, 2019 Leave a comment

It was just a week or so ago that former Dallas civilian police officer Amber Guyger was found guilty of the murder of Botham Jean and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Now, we have another killing, this time by the Fort Worth civilian police department. Another European American civilian police officer killing, and most likely, an unarmed African American citizen and her name was Atatiana Jefferson. Oh yeah, true to the form, the civilian police department has yet to release the name of the civilian police officer that shot, and killed Atatiana.

Here are the facts as we know them so far. A call was made by her neighbor, James Smith, to the Fort Worth civilian police department for a wellness check at around 2:25am. Why? Because the front door to the home of Atatiana Jefferson was open. Civilian police arrived, and according the Fort Worth civilian police, they searched the perimeter, one of the civilian police officers approached observed an individual standing near the window inside the residence, shouted “put your hands up, show me your hands” and then shot through the window. The window was covered with a Persian window blind and shade, which was partially closed.

The video of the incident can be found on YouTube or viewed below and was provided by WFAA.

There members of the African American community that are visibly upset and angered. It is evident because of the murders of Botham Jean and key witness Joshua Brown. It is alleged that the murder of Joshua Brown was done on suspicious circumstances, and people have taken to Twitter and other social media platforms to voice their disapproval of the explanation of the civilian Dallas Police Departments explanation of the turn of events that lead to the murder of Joshua Brown.

Why are members of the African American community upset?

Aiyana Jones

In order to understand the anger, we must first go back a few years. First there was the killing of seven year old Aiyana Jones by the civilian Detroit Police Department, where her killer, Joseph Weekley, was tried twice, and the results were both mistrials. To this day, he walks a free man and back on the job.

Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Terrence Crutcher, Philando Castile, Laquan McDonald, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice and the list goes on and on. Of course, then we have the European American counterparts, Daniel Shaver, James Boyd, Kelly Thomas, and again, the list goes on an on. What do all these cases have in common? The majority of these killings resulted in no jail time for any of the killers. In other words, the perpetrators of these injustices? They walk as free men, with the exception of Botham Jean’s and Walter Scott’s killers. There is a reason why the music group created the song, “Fuck the police” and it wasn’t because they were handing out parking tickets!

Remember their names!