
Archive for the ‘Immigration Laws’ Category

We Need Immigration Enforcement and Not Immigration Reform

There is talk on Capitol Hill on more immigration reform. President Obama says he’ll act without Congress and while the debate rages on what to do by our government, illegal aliens, better known as illegal immigrants have entered our republic illegally.

Why is this happening? Why can’t our leadership enforce our immigration laws? The answer is simple, it is because they have no interest in enforcing our immigration laws. This is all but a dog and pony show to get you, the American people, to believe that President Obama actually cares about illegal immigrants. A news flash for every one out there, if President Obama actually cared about solving the illegal immigration problem plaguing the southern United States, he would have put troops, or more border guards on our southern border.

Don’t believe me? The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, guess what? He has the authority to put troops on the border with Mexico and order them to enforce the border.

Notice how we are so quick to order troop deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries around the world, but we’re not so keen on sending troops on our borders to enforce the border. Ask yourself, why is that? You will than come to the realization that Barack Obama never intended to enforce the border in the first place. Him, and the likes of Nancy Pelosi with criminal intent are not honoring their oaths, they are committing open treason against the United States by not enforcing its laws thus bringing about anarchy in the land, which means they are committing treason by sedition.

It is my opinion that the real intent of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi is to bring in illegal immigrants, so that they can vote Democrat, and in effect create a one party system. Does this sound familiar courtesy of NAZI Germany? You see President Obama is taking over our republic by breaking down our laws, and as result is using this anarchy to justify his own existence as president, and thus eventually leading to the suspending of the U.S. Constitution.

It is the only conclusion of where this leads to because if you notice, as president of the United States, the president is charged with enforcing our laws. Ask yourself, why is it that he is making a huge effort to not enforce the current laws on the books? Why is it that he is saying there needs to be a path to citizenship? Why is it that he is refusing to enforce our borders? Why is it that he is actively doing nothing but to delay to resolve the problem? Any president worth their salt, any president who understands his or her oath to the United States, and the Constitution would not be stonewalling or pussy footing around the issue and would put a stop to the lawlessness now, and not later.

Also, why does the media and government insist on calling those individuals who have broken our immigration laws as “undocumented immigrant?” Why not call them for what they really are, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS or ILLEGAL ALIENS. This comes to show you that the mainstream media are in on it, too. Why do I say this? It is because if the media were doing its job properly, they would call things for what they really are and would not sugar coat it with a fancy buzz word. This is like calling a serial rapist or murderer a “misunderstood individual.” What is there to misunderstand, except that these individuals are ILLEGALLY here, and have thus broken our immigration laws.

The fact that illegal immigrant minors are being encouraged to come here testifies to the fact that this is done deliberatively shows you our governments knows what it is doing and as a result is allowing it to continue. Illegal immigrants get better treatment than our veterans or poor and this comes to show you the state of our republic and the disdain that President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the likes thereof has for us. They’re interested in our laws, they’re interested in staying in power, and they’re interested in seeing how much money they can make off of the backs of hard working Americans.


My greatest fear, is that the only way to fix the problems now inherent in our republic is not through the ballot box, because it has shown time, and time again it is not working. The argument will soon be exhausted, the long war of words between the leaders of our republic and the American citizen will be waxed into a war of guns.


The American citizen, I am afraid, will come to the realization gradually and naturally in this furnace of debate, the ballots have been cast, our leaders have not honored their oaths, nothing has been done, and the citizenry will assume the mantle once held by our Southern Sister States in 1861, by the great Troup of Georgia: “The argument is exhausted; we stand to our guns.”