
Archive for April, 2013

Then they came for me. . .

April 26, 2013 Leave a comment

After seeing what happened in Boston,  as a result of the false flag bombing and recent behavior by our government, I couldn’t help but notice the state of our country. I am very alarmed, angry, worried but also sad. Now, under the pretext of “keeping us safe” or “rescuing us” the militarized police can now disregard the Constitution, take us from our homes at gun point and behave like Nazis demanding our papers. They can establish checkpoints, and perverted men and women in black robes will agree that it is okay to violate your rights. They can shoot our pets, elder and sick, and get away with it. The NSA can spy on you, secret courts will allow it.  The President can violate the law and use the color of his skin as an excuse for his poor decisions.

I wrote the below poem as a response to what is happening here in our republic because it leaves open so many questions that no normal person can truly begin to answer. What can only ask, what happened to us? What happened to America? The freedom that America was once known for has died; America fell ill 1871, and died on 9/11. What we have now is an America that is a shadow of its former self.

Then they came for me. . . .

First they came for the gun owners in Connecticut and New York by passing laws against the 2nd Amendment.
I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a gun owner. I never read the Bill of Rights to the Constitution or took seriously the warnings by our Founding Fathers about tyranny or read the history of governments disarming their people under the guise of keep our children safe and general safety and what happened afterwords.

Then they came for the those who questioned the media or what the government said, and I didn’t speak out because I believed what the media or government always said was true and never bothered to think for myself or to research, think critically to see if they’re telling us the truth or a lie.

Then they came for those who questioned and stood up to the Federal government and President(who told us he is the change we can all believe in), because of their unconstitutional policies. I didn’t speak out because I took the Federal government and President at their word to honor the Constitution.

Then they came for those the government considered extremists because the extremists believed in the Constitution and demanded our elected representatives honor their oaths and obligations. I didn’t speak out because I never read the Constitution or was “too busy” to even bother to read the Declaration of Independence.

Then they came for the those who questioned why the police are now acting the like Nazis, shooting our family pets, our sick, and elderly. I didn’t speak out because I was conditioned to believe, like sheep following the sheepherder, it would never happen here, in America, the police and government say they are here to protect us.

Then they came for me because I finally read the Constitution and woke up to what was happening around me, but by than now it is too late, there is no one left to speak for me!


Original Poem

First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

Categories: Uncategorized