
Archive for the ‘government’ Category

The Importance of an Education

December 2, 2022 Leave a comment

In today’s time, it is vitally important to note that the purpose of an education, in part, is to not just to remember facts, or ramble off history, but rather to understand that the purpose of an education is to learn how to critically think, to analyze, to deduce through the process trial and error, and recognize the signs of tyranny at your door steps. We, here in America, couldn’t recogize tyranny even if it was delivering the mail to our doorsteps or staring at us in the face. Why? Because our own media are so busy showing us the tyranny of other nations, that they forgot to show us the tyranny happening here in our own land.

What we are witnessing in Iran, is not religious dogma run amok; religion is being used as the excuse for the state, in Iran, is committing the crimes it is doing to its own people. The same goes for China; culture is being use as an excuse for the state, in China, is committing crimes against its own people. The same goes for us here in America; an alleged pandemic is being used to institute the tyranny that befallen our sisters States. Of course, what was the line that the mainstream media, and mainstream authorities used? What was the common excuse that was used? I’ll give you a hint, it goes like this, “es ist zu deinem eigenen Besten!”

As a student of history, in evaluating nations that welcomed in tyranny, it is vitally important to remember this uncomfortable truth, that there is always a common line used, justification or excuse in and after every tyranny that has existed. In both past and present, they have this in common denominator for allowing it to happen, and it has always been: I was just following orders.

Being “Unvaccinated” is Not About Being A Hero

October 6, 2022 Leave a comment

If I may say, begin unvaccianted against COVID-19 was never about being a hero. This was about standing up to tyranny under the guise of “public safety.”

As an individual who chose not to get vaccinated, I did so because I believe no one has a right to tell me or you what goes in or out of my or your body. I, along with others rejected with the utmost conviction this calling to get “vaccinated” because when the government wants to force its will upon you under the guise of “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help” that’s the moment you must become suspicious of their motives. The moment any government wants to either give you or do something for you for free, that’s the moment you must become suspicious of their motives and why. I surely became suspicious, and any person who has read history would understand exactly what I am talking about.

We, at least here in America, the “unvaccianted,” are armed and guarded by the Declaration of Independence, and the constitution for the United States. These are the two most powerful weapons we have along with the courage of others to stand up and say, “we are not taking this nonsense sitting down.” At least for me, I can not speak for others, I looked at our ancestor brothers and sisters, the colonists, the Founding Fathers, people who fought for and are fighting for freedom for inspiration. I asked G-d to guide me to ask the right questions so that I could seek wisdom during this nonsense.

This process of being isolated, being told you must mask up, you must social distance, you must take the vaccine, you must get a vaccine passport and saying no to it all was and is not easy. The government in collaboration with the MSM, local and major businesses made sure to segregate us. However, but we continued to resist, and say the magic words they cringed to hear at every step of the way: NO, we will not comply. Period. There is nothing heroic about this, it is our duty to say no. Our founders understood this notion very well and it was cemented with this quote, “when tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”

As for the people who went along, who enforced, who collaborated along with the MSM, and the government this nonsense on their fellow citizens, who shunned others, who called us a danger to society, who wanted us arrested and put into us camps, all I can tell them is that eventually the crocodile will eventually eat you as Winston Churchill prophesied. As I have said before on many other forums, history has shown us you can not comply your way out of tyranny because eventually it will demand something of you where you will have no choice but to comply. In a greater sense, our own government, in collaboration with the MSM, and governmental institutions have become the domestic terrorists they keep telling us about.

We, the “unvaccinated,” are simply following the example of our fathers, in the spirit of ’76, to stand up, to resist to this tyranny who demand from us to move, and in response, we plant ourselves near the River of Truth, and tell these tyrants, “NO, YOU FUCKING MOVE!”

America: 246 Years of Freedom

Dear America,

You don’t know me, but I am just a jolly American citizen who believes what you stand for: freedom. I do not profess to know everything, but this much I know, that despite her faults, your history I am proud of you.

I make no attempts to excuse your prior bad behavior, I do understand that you have taken steps to correct those behaviors. I am glad to note that I am not alone. There are people like myself who love those 50 stars, those 13 stripes and that blue background where those stars sit. It gives me goosebumps in knowing that those stars were once 13 stars, survived a war between sister States, two world wars, civil strife, and yet after 246 years, you are still here.

At one time, I was a person who didn’t considered myself an American. I considered myself a “New York-rican.” In other words, a person of Puerto Rican ancestry born here in America, in the city of New York. The concept of myself being an American solely based on where I was a foreign concept to me. Of course, then the summer of 1988 happened, and I read the Declaration of Independence. That’s where everything changed; it was my “ah ha moment.” Since then, I never turned back, I was no longer a New Yorker, or a Puerto Rican-Italian, I was American.

Like many, I a lot in common with other people in similar situations, I love America, I love that awe inspiring document that leftists, socialists and communists in our republic hate. Why? Because that document says to “a candid world” that it is the duty of every able bodied men to fight for freedom, that whenever any government becomes tyrannical, it is the right, and most importantly it is their duty to throw off such government, and form a new government that will secure their liberties, promote domestic tranquility and more importantly guarantee future generations the same blessings of liberty.

In reading the Declaration of Independence of our forefathers, I can not help but be amazed that these imperfect men wrote such a perfect document. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration, a man who was the product of the period of European Enlightenment, put it so eloquently, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Yet before the ink was dry on the pens and plumbs of the signers, already there was debate on the nature of the form of government the young nation would have.

The Declaration goes on to say, “absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security,” these immortal words have never been truer to the patriots of today. Equally, satisfying, America was on the brink of losing the war for her freedom, but yet still hung on, and after 8 years of blood work on the battlefield, America won her freedom.

It was 1787, America adopted a new form of government, a republic, a nation of laws. Now it was time for the young nation to put up or shut up about that pesky document called the Declaration of Independence. It was now time for the young nation to follow through on its promise, to be the guarantor of rights, liberties and freedom it fought for. Now it was the high water mark of the young nation, the United States of America, to show “a candid world” its purpose.

I stand true to the notion, what while the functions of government may be and are imperfect, after 246 years of an experiment in self governance, I trust no other form constitution but of our republic. People will mock, and denigrate patriots like myself, and call us racists for loving our republic despite her faults, but these are the same people who use the very same liberties that they claim to hate. I must add, but note to these types of people: hypocrisy much?

A wise man once wrote, “I am a Southerner by birth and a Rebel by choice. As I read and study, I pull for Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet. As I live, I thank Grant, Lincoln, and Democracy.[1]” My response to this quote is, “I am Northerner by birth, and a Rebel by choice. As I read and study, I pull for Washington, von Steuben, Lee, Jackson and Longstreet. As I live, I thank fellow patriots alike for believing in America, and standing by her side even in the darkest of times.”


When It Comes to taking the COVID-19 Vaccines, We Tried . . .

September 22, 2021 2 comments

We tried scaring you but that didn’t work so

then we tried lying to you but you saw through our bullshit so

then we tried muzzling with a mask but that didn’t work so

then we tried bribing you but that didn’t work because you value your health so

then we tried calling people like you crazy but that didn’t work because you’re not crazy so

then we tried calling people who question the vaccines anti-vaxxers but that didn’t work so

then we tried calling you a conspiracy theorist but that didn’t work because you don’t trust the media so

then we tried guilting you but that didn’t work so

then we tried shaming you but that didn’t work so

then we tried blaming you but that didn’t work so

now we are going to threaten to fire you, so if that doesn’t work

next we are going to lock you out of society with vaccine passports, so if that doesn’t work

next we are going to take away your property and starve you, so if that doesn’t work

next we are going to force you at gun point to check into “guest facilities” with others just like you, where just like Gypsies, communists, Jews, undesirables, and intellectuals in the NAZI death camps, we will experiment on you, torture you, and imprison you, but you will never ever check out. . .

because we care so much about you!

The Reason Why /r/nonewnormal Sub-Reddit Was Been Quarantined According Paul Joseph Goebbels

August 28, 2021 Leave a comment


Many of you are wondering why /r/NoNewNormal sub-reddit was “quarantined” and have wondered what comes next. The answers are relatively simple!

As to why this sub-reddit was “quarantined” our friends from our not-so distant past tells why. This quote, which is attributed to Paul Joselph Goebbels, tells us exactly why this sub-reddit was “quarantined.”

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Our friends at the Reddit Administrative level are simply doing the “Reich” thing by quarantining this sub-reddit. I am quite sure at this point Aaron Swartz is pretty much rolling in his grave, but I digress. Remember folks, in order to keep the lie and scam going they need to silence any one and every one that presents a threat to their narrative under guise of “public health” or “public policy.” Take a gander on who represents a threat to the scam and lie? We do, this sub-reddit, this free flow of information that can be debated, scrutinized, critiqued and validated.

We’ve committed the great sin of thinking, and the folks running the asylum do not want us to think, they want our compliance, they want to do all the think for us. Some would argue that this is for our own good, I would argue this is tyranny.

So okay, what comes next? Well, it is not a matter of if they remove this sub-reddit, it is a matter of when they will remove this sub-reddit. So what do we do? You speak out louder. Make a blog, make videos (Brighteon, BitChute, Rumble, Lbry, Odysee), protest, make pamphlets, and make sure you let the world know you do not agree with what is happening and fight tooth and nail for your rights. Remember, you are not just fighting for your rights, but you’re fighting the rights of future generations. Because future generations will ask, did any one speak out, and people will say yes, there were dissenters, and they did their best to fight back.

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith on Comparing “Public Health” to Nazism and COVID-19 Mandates

August 28, 2021 Leave a comment

December 18, 2020, Rabbi Yizchock Dovid Smith said:

I wanna mention one other thing, we started talking about the Germans, and the NAZIS and so forth. One thing that become very, um, uh, forbidden, forbotten, today is to talk about the NAZIS. You can’t talk about the Holocaust, you can’t talk about the NAZIS and you can’t say that anything is happening today is like the NAZIS or it has anything like [to do with] the Holocaust. And I wanna tell you something, it is a lie!

We have to talk about whats true, and I wanna say something, that those people who say we can’t talk about the Holocaust, and say that anything resembles the Holocaust; those are the real Holocaust deniers!

We have an obligation to recognize, and in particularly people like yourselves who went through this, to speak up and say, “this is identical to Nazism!” This is not I just comparison, this is Nazism because “public health” is Nazism. Nazism is public health. Who is going to be healthy? Who gets to live? Who gets to die? Who’s essential? Who is not essential? This exactly what it is! We have to scream that out, we have to say any body who to tries to stop us, that they’re the real Holocaust deniers. They’re the ones trying to prevent people from knowing what really happened.


Speaking Out Against the Lockdowns and Asking Questions

September 13, 2020 1 comment

As a student of the past, never in the field of human history could I ever fathomed a time where my countrymen are so fearful of dying tomorrow that they forgot and stopped living for today in the present time.

To the people going along with these lockdowns, I ask you, what are you doing? Why are you allowing yourselves to be subjugated into slavery with new masters telling you when you can go out, when you can work, where you can and can not go, when you can gather to worship or protest, what you can and can not protest? Why are you allowing these new masters to treat you like a convicted prisoner in your own home, in your own town, in your own State, in your own supposedly “free country?”

To the people enforcing these lockdowns, have you no shed of humanity or decency? Do you understand the implications of what you are enforcing? When did it become acceptable to “just follow orders” or “do as your told” without thinking about your oath? When did your job become more important then your oath? Do you not understand the world you are creating for your children, their grandchildren and their grandchildren? I implore you, quit your office, surrender your badge, take your uniform off, and lay down your gun; now see for yourself the world you have created and enforced.

To the news media reporting on the lockdowns, this scam and alleged pandemic, what are you doing lying to the public? Why is it so important that you must mislead the public? When did it become acceptable to become a mouthpiece for liars, slave masters and those who want to keep us ignorant, afraid of our neighbors and most importantly afraid of our freedom? When did it become frowned upon to be the champions and mouthpiece of the truth, ethics, virtue, logic and liberty? Why do you call us conspiracy theorists when we question you? Isn’t that what you want the public to do? To question, analyze and decide for ourselves? When was the last time you questioned whether you are doing the right thing or better yet, do you remember the day when you sold your soul?

To those in our elected governments, when did it become a acceptable to act like tyrants? While you are busy with your virtue signaling on how much you care about your constituents, why did you destroy their livelihoods? What was promised to you if you became our new slave masters? Why are you so intent in goose stepping us into slavery?

A short but brief history of our not so distant past: A certain individual did not march into Berlin with the wermacht, reichswehr or army tanks, he was elected and then his party took over Germany little by little. The tactics, propaganda, and methodologies employed, to turn a peaceful country into a nightmare, they are using against us today, word for word, action by action and straight out of the NAZI handbook. And what is left for us to have happen? To be led to the cattle carts, and we all know how that ended for millions of our ancestor brothers and sisters.

Stop complaining about Trump for five minutes, open your eyes, and understand what is happening. If you don’t, we will be goose stepped into a new era, as Winston Churchill explained, “the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.”

Finally, it is better to prefer the tumult and dangers of liberty and freedom versus the peaceful quietness of servitude and ensnarement. If you prefer peaceful quietness of your enslavement over freedom, then you are no brother of mine. You are a lost soul ignorant to the designs of men who offer you a small pittance, a false sense of security, pretending to be your savior and kin, but in reality are slave masters waiting for you to bow down to them in acquiescence, and praying for your destruction.

The Meaning of July 4th, 1776

I remember the day clearly. I was almost 15 years old, it was August, 1989, it was a year after we came back from my mother’s country of Puerto Rico where we had lived for two years. I was staying with my father summer, and I asked my father’s girlfriend to go the library. It was about a ten minute walk, it was my refuge, it was the place where I can go and open a book a discover a new world of information. At the time, I discovered maps! I loved looking at maps and discovered an old map of the United States. It was weird. The United States’ western border only went to Mississippi River. But wait a second, didn’t the United States went from the east coast to west coast? With that question, my adventure began! It was a Saturday, the day that reading an old map of the United Stated led me to read Declaration of Independence for the first time. I walked into the library that morning, as a Puerto Rican, born and raised in the South Bronx, and walked out in the afternoon as an American.

For those of you who do not know, I used to be very bad at math, history and science. I was the product of the failure of my own irresponsibility to take my education seriously as my father worked tirelessly to pay tuition for the private school I attended. That day in the library was the turning point, and since then, I have been seeking knowledge where ever I can find it; since then, I have been a student of history.

Culturally speaking from my experience, if you are born of Puerto Rican parents here in America, you are regarded first as Puerto Rican and not an American. It is more about cultural pride, and there is nothing wrong with that. I had that understanding, but then that view changed when I read the Declaration of Independence, and the history of how the United States came to be.

I had just entered the library, I decided that day to look at an encyclopedia of maps. I stumbled upon a Revolutionary War map where it showed the movements of George Washington. For some reason or another, I decided to look up George Washington in an encyclopedia. Don’t ask me why, but I did. In reading about George Washington, I discovered he practically lost almost every battle he fought against the British and German Hessian mercenaries. Naturally, I thought, why didn’t he just give up? It was at that moment I decided to read about the colonies.

I read about the sacrifices the colonist made to come to America, to make something for themselves, to be free of what was happening in Europe, then I read what the tyranny the British government and king was doing to the colonies, and finally the response the colonist made against the king: The Declaration of Independence. The more I read, the more I discovered; I discovered Founding Fathers were men who were products of the Enlightenment period. I discovered Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech in 1775 to the pamphlet of “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine, to the reading about the Sons of Liberty, John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, to the likes of John Paul Jones, all the way to reading about the “shot heard ‘round the world.” Encyclopedias are awesome!

As I read about these men, and their ideas, there lay a common theme among them all. They were willing to put everything on the line, their reputations, their fortunes but importantly their lives for freedom and liberty. But what about that document written by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence? It was around 1 o’clock, I didn’t notice it, but I was in the library for about 3 hours, soaking up all the information I came across. I was hungry, but my curiosity about the Declaration of Independence made me forgo going back to my father’s house for lunch. I went through the card catalog to find a book that had the text of the Declaration of Independence, and finally I found an American history book. It said the Declaration of Independence was in the appendix, and then finally I sat down.

I started to read the Declaration of Independence, the opening words, “when in the course of human events, it become necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…..” The opening statement to any one listening, and then came, “we hold these to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” The eloquence of that phrase, sent chills down my spine and raised the hairs on the back of my neck. Even to this day, reading those words continue to send chills down my spine.

I continued to read on, “they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” There goes that “L” word again! Liberty. The same reason why those men are fighting for. It was then that it dawned to me, these men are fighting for something never seen before, never heard of, never thought of or even done before. Freedom.

With fuel being added to my young mind, I was no longer hungry for food, I was hungry to understand more about that this document, I continued to read on, “that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” It did not take long after reading these immortal words that it finally came to fruition as to why the colonists had thrown away their old government. They no longer consented to be ruled by a king whose dictates and rule can be done by proclamation, or by his will alone. Yes, I understood what the colonists were trying to do.

This mental nourishment kept me satisfied, the words read thus far inspired me to continue, “when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” The colonists, in their minds had acquiesced to the crown, their rights had been abused, they sought a redress of grievances to their mother country, and they received none but more abuses. They had no where to go, no where to run to and no one to appeal any more; finally, they understood, when a government does not act in your best interest, when it abuses its power, it is your duty and obligation to correct the government. It became clear to me what the colonists were attempting now.

I read then the reasons why the colonists were announcing “to a candid world” why they were altering and abolishing their current government. The reasons, they gave to the “candid world” was from the mother country waging war against their own citizens, quartering troops in people’s home without their consent, suspending good government, keeping a standing army in times of peace, imposing taxes without the consent of the legislatures, to forcing kin to fight against their fellow country, and countrymen.

Reading on, seeing that the colonists repeatedly asked for redress, and peace, seeing themselves as British, reminding their own government why they settled across the ocean, to finally having the argument exhausted, the colonists had no where to run, they must now stand to their guns. I finally was able to connect the dots, it was my “ah, ha” moment.

The words that sent shock waves through my spine were the words, “that these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.” This was the exclamation mark, this was the culmination of what the fight was for. And finally, “for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” I finally understood, that freedom, and liberty are not cheap. They come with a price. All we need to do is ask, look at the price that the Founding Fathers of our republic paid or any one willing to have the intestinal fortitude to fight for that freedom or any freedom we hold dear. My eyes were opened, I understood why Americans protest, why American citizens join our armed forces, and why Americans speak out against tyranny.

Some years ago, on my own volition, I raised my hand, and have duly sworn an oath to protect this republic, its’ constitution, its values and the people, to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. If any one is wondering, no, I am not a soldier and I do not proclaim, or claim to be one. I am not a civilian police officer or member of government, I am not an extremist. I live by the words, give me liberty or give me death, and if that makes me an extremists in your world view, then so be it, I am one. I am a simple person, I love our constitution, our way of life, even with its faults, I love the idea that freedom is worth fighting for. It means taking a stand, drawing a line, standing alone when no one will stand with you, in the pursuit of freedom, liberty or righting a wrong, and stopping tyranny.

My hope is, that the American people of today would read the Declaration of Independence, and perhaps then, we can stop the tyranny that has befallen to these States.

America is ANGRY — George Floyd Riots

America is angry! If the events from the past week have proven anything, it is that America is angry.

When you lock up the citizenry under a false pre-tense, namely  COVID-19, also known as the Corona Virus, and:

  • you tell them it is just being done “protect you”
  • you treat them like they’re a prisoner
  • you treat them worse then a rabid dog
  • you take away their jobs and livelihoods
  • you take away their fundamental liberties

What do expect to have happen? To add fuel to the fire, in broad daylight, an American citizen of African descent was murdered in broad daylight for the world to see. The former civilian police officer in question, Derek Chauvin, was seen video taped placing his knee on George Floyd’s neck for over 9 minutes as he was face down pleading to Derek Chauvin that he couldn’t breath. In the video, George Floyd’s body goes limp, and as onlookers plead with Derek Chauvin to remove his knee from George Floyd’s neck, the damage was done. George Floyd died at the scene.

Outrage has sparked rioting in multiple cities across our States in Minneapolis, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Detroit and possibly New York City.

There are many that are blaming President Trump, White Supremacy, the Alt-Right and other individuals or groups for the rioting and violence plaguing our republic. However, the real blame for all this madness is with our inability to control the very people we elect, AND our failure to rein in properly on the individuals we hire to protect and serve our communities. We have failed in our duty to hold the mainstream media’s feet to the fire, to report the news accurately, and with non-bias. Even at this very moment they are sowing the seeds of discontent, division and are saying that the problem is with White Supremacy, President Trump and White Privilege. However, if they looked closely in the mirror, they will see that it is the mainstream media themselves that are part of the problem!

We have failed in our ability to tell our politicians that we, the people, are the ultimate arbiters of our lives, rights and future. We have allowed people like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Bill di Blasio, Dianne Feinstein and many others tell us what we can do, say or think. They have told us that they know what is best for us, but yet, while American citizens are suffering as a result of State governors closing down their respective economies, people have lost their jobs, their homes, businesses, families, and yes, including their lives. While this is happening, people like Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi and the likes thereof, are still collecting a nice pay check courtesy of your taxes dollars and printed by the Federal Reserve. They tell keep telling us, the American citizen, stay home, stop the spread, but yet they get to roam free, while we, like prisoners, must stay at home or else face the might of the government.

In the same vein, the American citizen, has had to deal another problem. The problem is so dangerous, that to attempt to stop it could cost us our very lives. No, I am not talking about gun or gang violence. I am referring to civilian police violence, their extortion racket and their constant evasion of justice through the judges that sign off on fraudulent warrants, through their inability to de-escalate encounters, their inability to accept responsibility for murdering our citizenry. We, the American people have petitioned our legislators and our courts for redress of grievances but they have fallen to death ears. From video, after video to after video, from story, after story to after story, the American people have shown the world, those we have hired to protect and serve our communities, of the injustices and havoc these individuals have caused to us. Their unions protect them, and tell us, the American people, that because we disagree with their behavior that we are anti-civilian police, that we are for anarchy or what ever the phrase of the month is. All we ask is that they do their jobs honorably.

Even more disturbing, these individuals, swear an oath or affirmation for the Constitution for these United States. Let me show you the oath:

”I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of where I reside against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of where I reside; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter.”

You will notice, in this oath, that the oath the individual takes is to the Constitution of the United States, not their department’s policies, union or lodge but the Constitution of the United States. Time after time, you see video after video of civilian police officers openly violating the rights of the people of these States. Yet, even our Supreme Court, the highest court of the land has ruled not in favor of the Constitution or the rights of the people, but rather in favor of the civilian police. Now, add to that fact that American civilian police for some reason or another has a thing against certain ethnic groups. They have gotten so brazen about it, that even on body cameras or video tape, they have no qualms in violating our rights, beating or even killing the American people. How can we trust these individuals when they can not even honor their oaths? Their mantra is to “protect and serve” but yet, the highest courts in our land has ruled time and time again, the civilian police have not obligation to protect you. Yes, you read that correctly, courts have ruled the civilian police in these United States of America have no duty or obligation to protect you; let that sink in.

The situation with the SCAMdemic, COVID-19, you have civilian police officers, your colleagues, violating the Constitution, but enforcing orders that have no weight in law. Your colleagues have enforced directives that openly violate the 1st Amendment, the 4th Amendment, the 5th Amendment. They are doing the bidding of these governors, and politicians, and while doing so, you have made life for the American citizen much harder. Your profession has stooped so low, that you arrested people for the crime of going to church, to go to a park, going to the beach, or going out for a drive. Even worse, you have arrested people keeping their businesses open so that they can pay their rent, pay their mortgages but most importantly feed their families. The excuse you and your colleagues keep saying:

  • we are just doing what we are told
  • we are just following orders
  • we are just following the law

Do you know who also said the same thing? The NAZIS and their constituents (e.g., police)! They arrested, sent to concentration camps or labor camps, killed and gassed people they did not like. Simply put, the German police were “just following orders.” Never did it ever occur to any one of them to say, “brothers and sister, we shouldn’t be doing this, this is wrong!”

We all saw the death of George Floyd, and there are some that are wondering why is America angry? The death of Mr. Floyd simply was the straw that broke the camels back, and now all that pent up anger, frustration and despair is coming out. In other words, the chickens have now come home to roost, and they are not being nice about it.

We keep hearing about the “good cops,” or the good civilian police officers that are out there, that the actions of a few should not reflect the majority. Unfortunately, as has been the case most recently, the majority of “good cops” are overwhelmingly silent when one of their own colleagues has committed a heinous act such as murdering mentally disturbed individuals (e.g., Kelly Thomas, James Boyd), or murdering men pleading for their lives (Daniel Shaver, Eric Garner, George Floyd). Yet, when these atrocities happen, suddenly then, the “goods cops” we keep hearing about are no where to be seen, or are too busy staring down at the floor in silence. Worse yet, in front of you, you have witnessed your colleagues rob, beat, extort and bear false witness against the very people you are supposed to be protecting, and you have done nothing but to continue in silence.

Finally, now, here we are, and America is angry. You, the civilian police, and your supporters are suddenly shocked at the violence, protests and destruction. You shouldn’t be! It is a bit too late to speak out now against your colleagues who are in part responsible. You should have spoken out earlier or in the beginning, when you at least had a chance to make your voices heard. It is too late to complain and speak out. My question to you, and I do not expect you to answer it, just think about it in your head, how bad do things have to get amongst your colleagues before you do something?! Do your colleagues have to be beating your wife, father, or children. Do they have to be shooting your dog, neighbor or elderly grandfather? Do they have to be violating an American citizens right to bear arms, and shoot them dead before you say, “wait a minute, I don’t think this is a good idea or something we should be doing!” How long is it going to be or take before you actually honor your oath, and obligation and stand up for what is right?

If you choose to do nothing, and continue to “just follow orders” I would like for you to remember, that your children, your grandchildren and their grandchildren are going to have to live in the world you are enforcing. You are enforcing laws not to protect the public, but to protect the political class. I would like for you to look at your children, or grandchildren in the eye, that you are going to continue to enforce a tyranny that is going to ensnare and enslave their future offspring. If you had any intestinal or testicular fortitude, you would take off your uniform and see for yourself the world you created. Now you are the prisoner of the world you created, backed and enforce; your colleagues are enforcing fascism. We are at a critical point, what side of history do you want to be on?

But I have hope, I have hope that there are people in your profession, those that we have elected, those among us, and that we can appeal to. They are decent, caring, and want a better future their children, and grandchildren. If we can appeal to their humanity, to their lofty spirit, as Americans, we can turn the tide against those who wish to see us divided, who want us to be at each others throats, who want our republic to fail. I have hope.

Corona Virus / COVID-19 is a SCAM-demic / PLAN-demic and not a Pandemic, pt 1

April 11, 2020 Leave a comment

A quote from our past:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany  (b) October 29, 1897 – (d) May 1, 1945

“I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and they will apply the remedy.”

Daniel Webster, American Statesman, (b) January 18, 1782 – (d) October 24, 1852


The two quotes above are a reminder from our past, that if we do not learn from it, we are destined and are doomed to repeat it. In addition, the quotes above serve as a warning to us all Americans, that there are evil people within our midst that wish us not just harm, but the destruction of our constitution, liberties, way of life, and worse yet the enslavement of future generations. They doing this under the guise to “protect you.”

Never did it ever occur to my mind that these United States would ever be placed under Martial Law. Now of course, the media along with government officials are not calling it Martial Law. What these United States are experiencing is a “soft” Martial Law. We are still allowed to travel, we are still allowed to own firearms; we still have some right but they are calling it “stay-at-home” orders. Governors are ruling by “executive orders” rather then the rule of law.

Our general government, State, and local are using this opportunity, call it what ever you want, pandemic, virus outbreak, etc., to destroy our republic and to enslave the American people. They are using the media as their propaganda arm to instill fear in the people. Once you have scared enough people, and mention, that the Corona Virus will kill their children, elderly, etc., the American people will be afraid. The people, generally so will react and react they did. You see it all online, on the internet, of people calling for Martial Law, or for the government to force people to do things generally they may not want to do. Thus, a blanket of tyranny shall have come over these United States and unless vigilant Americans put a stop to it, we will be at a point of no return.

Corona Virus Origins

It is widely believed that the origin of the Corona Virus started in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in November of 2019. It has been alleged that the Corona Virus is either a biological weapon or a version Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that plagued Hong Kong in 2003. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), seeing that there was an outbreak of this illness that was affecting the people of Wuhan, and spreading to the rest of the country, did several things, they quarantined whole cities and areas, then they silenced people[1] and censored those who were attempting to tell the world[2] about the illness.

The origin is believed to have come from a “wet market” in Wuhan City, and as a result of not taking proper safety precautions, thus the birth of the virus. Coincidentally, not far away from the city center is a virus lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology[3], a level four biosafety laboratory seven miles from the epicenter of the outbreak. The questions are:

  • Did the Corona Virus originate in the lab?
  • If so, who released it, why and under whose orders?
  • Was the virus released because of negligence?

We need to understand the nature of viruses. Viruses by their very nature are a non-living organisms but once inside its’ host, it will replicate and it will evolve.

The Role of Government ~ Learning from the past

China (CCP and KMT)

Great Leap Forward Deaths From Famine – 30 million to 55 million people

Cultural Revolution – 500,000 to 2 million people

Chinese Civil War  – 10 million people


Cambodian Genocide – 1.5 million to 2 million people

Soviet Union ~ 61.9 Million people

NAZI Germany ~ 20 million people

U.S. Government History of Lying

Operation Northwoods – Proposed False Flag Event so that U.S. can invade Cuba[4]

Gulf of Tonkin Incident – A lie which led us into fighting an undeclared war in Viet Nam[5]

Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction – A lie which led us into conflict with Iraq[6]

Larken Rose, wrote and said something very profound, and to this day, and now it resonates with me more then ever when it comes to government and our Federal, State and local institutions. In an article he wrote[7], he said:

In the real world, however, far more injustice, violence, torture, theft, and outright murder has been committed in the name of “law enforcement,” than has been committed in spite of it.

He goes on to say:

To get a little perspective, try watching a documentary or two about some of the atrocities committed by the regimes of Stalin, or Lenin, or Chairman Mao, or Hitler, or Pol Pot, or any number of other tyrants in history. Pause the film when the jackboots are about to herd innocent people into cattle cars, or gun them down as they stand on the edge of a ditch. . . .

These mass murders, and crimes against humanity were done in the name of law and order were all legal under these regimes, and soon to be, the U.S.A. These atrocities were done under the guise to “protect the people” from an enemy that were no where to be found or simply did not exist.

How often do we see video, after video of policy enforcers, even government elected officials (former and current) lying to the American people,  get away with atrocities. When confronted during a hearing by elected government official Mr. Johnson about the deaths of four Americans, including an American ambassador, this is former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said:

What difference at this point does it make?

When asked by 60 Minutes interviewer, Lesley Stahl, about the crippling sanctions against Iraq where an estimated 576,000 children died because malnutrition, “is the price worth it?” Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright responded as follows:

I think this is a very hard choice but the price we think the price is worth it.

Now remember, this was done using our tax dollars AND done to “protect you.” How often do we hear this nonsense of governments going above and beyond the scope of their constitutional limitations to grant themselves powers (e.g., PATRIOT Act, Affordable Care Act) they have no authority to do? In the case of the Corona Virus, we have mayors, State governors issuing blanket “executive orders” to ban the right to peaceably, to practice our religion[s] in our places of worship, banning the sales of firearms[8]

As a result of this pandemic, if you do not do what the government says, how long before we are forbidden to own businesses or work in retail shops, drive cars, go to the movies, beach, visit the library, or own weapons, and go to school?

Links and References

[1] Original URL:

[2] Original URL:

[3] URL:

[4] Original URL:

[5] Original URL:

[6] Original URL:

Colin Powell Speech to UN Security Council:

Speech Transcript: Archived

[7] When should shoot a cop:

[8] Original URL: