
Archive for the ‘Congress’ Category

Open Letter to President Trump — RE: State of the Union

January 30, 2019 Leave a comment

To: President Donald J. Trump
From: Cycloneous
CC: American People
Subject: State of the Union Address

Dear President Trump,

I hope, that if you read this, that you and your family are doing well.

I want to first thank you for your leadership during this tough time in Washington, D.C.; many in the mainstream say that you are doing a bad job, but it is my opinion you are doing the job that myself, and many other Americans elected you to do. I want to thank you for putting America first.

Secondly, I would like to address the fact that Nancy Pelosi and her contingency did not extend an invitation to you to House chambers to deliver State of the Union address and made a mockery of our system of government by acting childish. Of course, now that the partial governmental shutdown is over, both Pelosi and Schumer are declaring themselves that they have “taught” you a tough lesson, and she has now extended an invitation to you to deliver the State of the Union on February 5th, 2019.

Mister President, I have an alternative idea, and I think it is an idea worth exploring. As a matter of fact, I believe this suggestion will save a lot of time, money and effort and I also think this will make you look presidential and stronger. Plus, I’d love to see the looks on Schumer’s and Pelosi’s faces when you say, “I have a better idea for delivering the State of the Union address, and it goes like this:” instead of delivering the State of the Union in the House chambers on February 5th, why don’t you deliver the State of the Union from the oval office? I would suggest to have Vice President Pence standing besides you, along with your wives or specially invited guests of honor or members of the public who have supported and are supporting you. The reason to deliver the State of the Union from the oval office is to show Pelosi and her scumbag collaborators is that the president that answers to the American people, and not old age career anti-American political sea hag establishment politicians(Schumer, Pelosi, etc.); that the president’s State of the Union address shall not be held hostage because of personal dislike of you or policies.

According to the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 3, it says:

He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.

Mister President, you will note that there is nothing in the Constitution that says you have must deliver it in the House or Senate chambers. Previous presidents prior to 1913 delivered the State of the Union in writing and was read by a clerk. It was until President Woodrow Wilson that restart the tradition and delivered the State of the Union in person in the House chambers. Mister President, why not break with tradition and start a new one?! Make your State of the Union address from the oval office, and show the American people you are the president not just by title, but by leading.

Let us be honest, the only people you are going “piss off” are the so-called Democrats (e.g., socialists, communists, liberals, and progressives), Whoopi Goldberg (& practically every member on The View), Jim Acosta, Chris Cuomo, Kathy Griffin, Don Lemon, Brian Stelter, Joy Behar and 95% of the mainstream media! You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain because you will show you work for the American people; that as president you will not be intimidated by career politicians who think they can poke a finger into our chest and tell us and our president what we can, and can not do, say or think!

Mister President, please do not deliver the State of the Union address on Pelosi’s terms, deliver the State of the Union address on your terms, you are the president of this great republic, and I truly believe you are the right man for the job.

Mister President, since you have been elected, my hope has been renewed for our republic because you are there leading us and putting America first and I would like to extend my gratitude. I wondered for a while when would one of the branches of government would put the American republic and people first, and you came along (elected president). Thank you! God speed to you and your family!

God bless our American States!



A patriot, American citizen, historian, gamer, and Wing Chun practitioner

Why I believe the Confederate Flag is Not Racist

July 4, 2015 1 comment

This is not an attempt to say who is more morally correct but rather to point an obvious set of truths that every one, yes, including myself, ignore very ignorantly and profoundly that it boggles even the most enlightened minds. In every American classroom, in every mainstream media outlet, in every news story, you are told one perspective about the controversy at hand, the Confederate flag. However, I will attempt to give a different perspective contrary to what is taught in every classroom, what is said in every news story, and what is put out by our mainstream media. As a result, in writing this opinion, I may very well lose my job, and my reputation because I will present a different point of view, a different perspective that is not cognizant of the prevailing mainstream media opinions and of the politically correct.

We keep hearing that the Confederate flag is about racism, slavery and all the controversies that pertains to the 1950s and 1960s during the Civil Rights era. Let there be no ambiguity, any form of racism or bigotry is abhorrent, and un-American. It rails against the political pandora’s box created by our Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the Common Law and the sacrifices made by those who struggled, and died for a simple idea: a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

We keep hearing about our fellow Americans of African ancestry being victims of slavery, and racism and our fellow Americans of African ancestry are used as scapegoats as focal point as a racial divide by those in power. It is a sickening a twist to their saga for their citizenship rights. Our fellow American brothers and sisters of African heritage and descent are being played like a violin, and only few realize it, while the majority play right into the narrative, “us versus them” and “black versus white.” It is imperative for the establishment to keep Americans divided among ethnic lines, because it gives them a reason for their existence. Imagine, if we all joined hands, regardless of skin color or ethnicity and told the establishment, that no, we will not fall into their trap of creating conflict between the races, that we are united in brotherhood and sisterhood as American citizens and we demand ALL of our citizenship rights. If we did that, the establishment would have no reason for their existence and that in itself would be cause for celebration among all of America’s people.

However, before addressing the issue of the Confederate flag and its meaning, we are ignoring the true victims of racism, we are forgetting the true recipients of our governments racism, and bigoted policies long before and after slavery step foot on this continent. We are forgetting the once proud people that once roamed this land, we are forgetting the Native American in which under the Stars and Stripes suffered the most than any people who have step foot on this continent. All we have to do is simply ask: where are they today?

We said to these people, the Native American, we come in peace, lay down your arms and we will lay down ours so that we can talk peace, friendship, establish commerce and trade. Yet, in their reward for their kindness and trust, they received blankets with disease; in the end they received our greatest gift, war and destruction. In all the treaties and agreements with Native Americans, not one was ever honored by our government. Instead, we slaughtered these people by the millions, and in some cases to save bullets or when we ran out of bullets, we used our sabers, bayonets or anything that resembled a weapon to kill their women and children. The suffering of these people under the Stars and Stripes, no pen or paper can never ever be truly described.

We saw their land, and how beautiful it was, and like a child wanting what is not theirs, we slaughtered their most prized possessions, we slaughtered their women and children. We took what was not ours, and now we call it our land. Possessing their land was not enough so we put a nail in their coffin by killing their food source, the buffalo, we sealed their fate by putting them in concentration camps, but our government and mainstream media likes to call them reservations. We forcefully assimilated their children and rid them of their language, their culture, and what is left of their culture are in history books or college campuses. However, we need not to worry, our history books, our classrooms, and our media does not call it racism, they just call it a series of unfortunate events, like the Trail of Tears.

Our media will say, that its just the past, just history and not racism. They would rather call it a conflict between diverse communities, rather than call it for what it really is, the Native American Holocaust based on pure racism and condoned by the United States government, under the Stars and Stripes. All we have to do is simply look at the movies that are produced about Native Americans by Hollywood, and that is a small minute detail in a long trail of racism and abuses under the American flag and not the Confederate flag. In addition, all we have to do is look at their current state, and all you will find is a once proud people are now destitute, poor, fragile, ridden with issues of alcoholism and drugs. But do not worry, there is not enough of them to cause any civil strife because the U.S. government, under the Stars and Stripes, have successfully disarmed them; they have effectively put the Native American in their place.

Our Stars and Stripes, our flag standard, is more drenched in blood, pure racism, death, deceit, suffering, tears and sadness than the Confederate flag, which flew for only 4 years. Yet, there are those today who wish to paint the picture that four years of the life of the Confederate States of America is much worse than the entire life of our current republic or that the actions of a minority are representative of a whole.

So the next time some one says the Confederate flag is racist, politely ask them, and what of the Native American under the Stars and Stripes? Don’t forget to include those who suffered the most under the current flag, the Native American. I think it is safe to say, we owe the Native American a simple apology because so far, I haven’t heard one yet.

How blind are we, the American people, to not see what we have done, and are continuing to do under the Stars and Stripes? We are in denial, that supposedly we are freest republic on the Earth, but yet we allow and behave like the most tyrannical. No other proof is needed than the abuses of government against the liberties they are sworn, and duty bound to protect of every American citizen under the Stars and Stripes. In our own hypocrisy, we have an inept president who has done nothing to solve the upheaval between the races, or to protect our rights as he swore to do upon taking his oath of office. However, because of the color of his skin, criticizing him will get you labeled as racist simply because you disagree with his policies and actions. We have a Congress that the best money can buy and if you dare say otherwise publicly, the mainstream media will call you a conspiracy theorist or delusional.

Perhaps, if the American people educated themselves about our Constitution, our republic’s history, about Native Americans, and causes of the War Between the States, and not some watered down public school version to make us feel better about ourselves and government, they would see, that yes, there is more to our flag than “Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave.” The American people will find that our flag is dripping with innocent blood, lies and deceit.

However, it is rather unfortunate, that the American citizenry are too lazy to care or are too busy being manipulated by those who want them in bondage and disunited. This modern day form of slavery need not chains or whips but rather strict obedience to their masters who will send swarms of armed men to kidnap, imprison, to brutalize people, or confiscate private property. If these patriot Americans resist, if they continue in defending their rights, these swarms of armed men, also known as the police, have the authority of the State and Federal government to invade their homes, and kill them. The media will call these swarms of armed men heroes, but to their victims, they are known as enforcers and tools of the tyrants.

Don’t want to pay your car registration tax? The government will seize your property. Want to smoke a plant that harms no one? The U.S. Government will send armed men from a chosen alphabet soup agency to kidnap you, seize your property, your life savings, imprison you and destroy your life. All this is being done under the Stars and Stripes!

Ironically, Hitler did not have to invade the U.S. to have the tyranny that we have today disguised as the N.S.A., C.I.A. or Homeland Security under the Stars and Stripes. Having these views, in our republic, today, will have you labeled by our government, our politicians and mainstream media as a potential domestic extremist, paranoid delusional individual or terrorist because we dare speak out against the tyranny that is coming over these States. It is the same tyranny that our ancestors brothers and sisters fought against. When the King, proclaimed these colonies in revolt, and President of these States proclaimed those southern States are in rebellion against their respective governments, those brave men answered the call of freedom and willingly put their lives at risk.

It is apparent, that we Americans are so slighted and easily distracted that we have not learned from the history of our German counterparts when tyranny in the form of Nazism plagued Germany. Let us remind ourselves of our recent history with regards to Hitler; Hitler did not enter Berlin with army tanks, he was elected by a wide majority of the people. Speaking out against Hitler and Nazis became hazardous to one’s health, especially when the population was completely disarmed and only government had all the firearms. If you spoke out against the Nazi regime, if your opinion differed from the Nazi propaganda machine, you were labeled an enemy of the state, and thus your life as you knew it was over. These German citizens did not commit any crimes, they did not violate any one’s rights, all they did was simply believed differently and the life of their family and friends was over. Sound familiar?

In order to understand the controversy, we must first understand the underlying the history of our southern sister States to even grasp why the Confederate flag is revered by them. William E. Gladstone once said, that our U.S. Constitution was the greatest work ever written by the brain of men. This is undoubtedly true, yet, before and after the Constitution was ratified, the debate arose at the Philadelphia Convention and Congress as to the nature of this form of government. The Federalist papers, and the Anti-Federalist papers are a testament of this debate, and yet our citizenry are extremely ignorant of the debate.

It is undoubtedly true, slavery was the immediate cause in the woeful conflict between the States, it was the focal point in which the arguments centered on. However, had there been no slavery, there would have been no war, and there would have been no slavery if the South’s protests against the introduction of institution had been listened to when it was initially introduced by Northern colony of Massachusetts Bay.

Before the blistering bayonets and hostilities of 1861 began, the debates arose in Congress as to the nature of what ought to be our fraternal government, a voluntary union of independent sovereign States bound together by that noble fabric of parchment called the Constitution. This document, signed by the Founding Fathers, and sealed forever more by those soldiers, black, white and yes, Native American, too, with their sacred honor, lives, fortunes and revolutionary blood.

Even after the Constitution was signed, and ratified, the nature of the Constitution was continually debated in the halls of Congress. This debate tested willingness of Hamilton and Jefferson to compromise, and taxed the patience of Washington in their endeavors to define the nature of the relationship of the Constitution and sister States. Soon, the argument entered a sectional phase and what were words of fraternal brotherhood among these States, soon became a war of words until finally the argument of the nature of the government became so fractured that sadly, both sides believed the argument could no longer be settled in the halls of Congress, but sadly, the battlefield. A time when one side fought for perpetual ideas of a strong central government and the other side fought liberty in the independence of the States as bequeathed by our Forefathers.

The South responded with a depth of fraternal conviction to the charges of the North that secession was illegal, she argued that secession was not illegal, and the reasons for their action, as done by the original 13 States, were similar to those by our Forefathers. The South argued, that the States upon joining the union was a voluntary act, that each State had not surrendered their hard fought independence, which their mother country, finally in 1783, recognized each colony, as a free and sovereign independent State.

She argued, the essential American doctrine, that the right to govern rest upon the Consent of the Governed, and that by the expressed written terms of the Constitution, all rights, and all powers not delegated were reserved to all the States. Our southern sister States challenged both the North and the Federal government to find any trace of delegated authority in the Constitution where any State or groups of States can invade or coerce a free and sovereign State. These doctrines, in her vindication to the right to secede, to assert their independence, were the echoes and the same epithets by Washington, Hancock, Adams, Jefferson, Henry and Light Horse Harry Lee.

In the four years of bloody work, it safe to say, there is nothing that could be said or done that could have saved slavery since it was a dying institution in the Western world. No other proof is needed than the examples of our European counterparts across the ocean in their gradual abolition of the horrid institution of slavery. The prevailing thought than became not if slavery would cease but of when it would cease. Had slavery been allowed to die its slow death, the issues of racism that plague us today would be silent, and the topic of discussion would be the nature of our fraternal government.

Regardless of what you are told in the media, no matter the color of your skin, you should honor the fact that these men, both Northern, Southern and yes, Native American fought for freedom as they understood it to be. Those soldiers, in the tribunal of last resort, valor contended against valor, brave men against brave men are the true Patriots of the our blessed Republic. These soldiers fought for neither fame, or reward, place or rank and they stood fast to their duties as true Patriots of the Constitution, these men sacrificed their lives for an idea, freedom and died. I would implore any one to find racism in that; these are the values that our southern brothers and sisters view in their flag and not slavery.

There will be those that will compare the Confederate flag with the Nazi flag. They will make claim that both flags are equal to one another, and that both harbor ill will towards those who do not fit the mold in which they are represented under. However, we must understand that one flag argues the reason for their establishment is based on the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, by our forefathers in the likes of Patrick Henry, Daniel Webster and theories of John Locke and the other on the supremacy of a master race of people, and the extreme suppression of ideas.

In defense of our American history, I venture to say, that we must not let the actions of a few vocal minority define the majority. Therefore, I dare say, that Confederate State’s history is American history, the Confederate flag is also an American flag. We should not be ashamed of our history, and rather we should learn from our past, embrace, understand and comprehend it as best we can to move forward as a republic.

We Need Immigration Enforcement and Not Immigration Reform

There is talk on Capitol Hill on more immigration reform. President Obama says he’ll act without Congress and while the debate rages on what to do by our government, illegal aliens, better known as illegal immigrants have entered our republic illegally.

Why is this happening? Why can’t our leadership enforce our immigration laws? The answer is simple, it is because they have no interest in enforcing our immigration laws. This is all but a dog and pony show to get you, the American people, to believe that President Obama actually cares about illegal immigrants. A news flash for every one out there, if President Obama actually cared about solving the illegal immigration problem plaguing the southern United States, he would have put troops, or more border guards on our southern border.

Don’t believe me? The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, guess what? He has the authority to put troops on the border with Mexico and order them to enforce the border.

Notice how we are so quick to order troop deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries around the world, but we’re not so keen on sending troops on our borders to enforce the border. Ask yourself, why is that? You will than come to the realization that Barack Obama never intended to enforce the border in the first place. Him, and the likes of Nancy Pelosi with criminal intent are not honoring their oaths, they are committing open treason against the United States by not enforcing its laws thus bringing about anarchy in the land, which means they are committing treason by sedition.

It is my opinion that the real intent of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi is to bring in illegal immigrants, so that they can vote Democrat, and in effect create a one party system. Does this sound familiar courtesy of NAZI Germany? You see President Obama is taking over our republic by breaking down our laws, and as result is using this anarchy to justify his own existence as president, and thus eventually leading to the suspending of the U.S. Constitution.

It is the only conclusion of where this leads to because if you notice, as president of the United States, the president is charged with enforcing our laws. Ask yourself, why is it that he is making a huge effort to not enforce the current laws on the books? Why is it that he is saying there needs to be a path to citizenship? Why is it that he is refusing to enforce our borders? Why is it that he is actively doing nothing but to delay to resolve the problem? Any president worth their salt, any president who understands his or her oath to the United States, and the Constitution would not be stonewalling or pussy footing around the issue and would put a stop to the lawlessness now, and not later.

Also, why does the media and government insist on calling those individuals who have broken our immigration laws as “undocumented immigrant?” Why not call them for what they really are, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS or ILLEGAL ALIENS. This comes to show you that the mainstream media are in on it, too. Why do I say this? It is because if the media were doing its job properly, they would call things for what they really are and would not sugar coat it with a fancy buzz word. This is like calling a serial rapist or murderer a “misunderstood individual.” What is there to misunderstand, except that these individuals are ILLEGALLY here, and have thus broken our immigration laws.

The fact that illegal immigrant minors are being encouraged to come here testifies to the fact that this is done deliberatively shows you our governments knows what it is doing and as a result is allowing it to continue. Illegal immigrants get better treatment than our veterans or poor and this comes to show you the state of our republic and the disdain that President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the likes thereof has for us. They’re interested in our laws, they’re interested in staying in power, and they’re interested in seeing how much money they can make off of the backs of hard working Americans.


My greatest fear, is that the only way to fix the problems now inherent in our republic is not through the ballot box, because it has shown time, and time again it is not working. The argument will soon be exhausted, the long war of words between the leaders of our republic and the American citizen will be waxed into a war of guns.


The American citizen, I am afraid, will come to the realization gradually and naturally in this furnace of debate, the ballots have been cast, our leaders have not honored their oaths, nothing has been done, and the citizenry will assume the mantle once held by our Southern Sister States in 1861, by the great Troup of Georgia: “The argument is exhausted; we stand to our guns.”

I.R.S. Conspiracy and the White House: Who do you trust?

June 15, 2014 Leave a comment

So the I.R.S. is claiming that they lost all of Lois Lerner’s e-mails for the last two years or so. Any one with a I.T. background would know that a high level government organization like the I.R.S. would and does have redundancy checks in place to protect against losing e-mails or data on their file servers. Any organization, like the I.R.S., with an I.T. department that does not have such checks against data loss is probably filled with incompetent people, in particular the management.

However, I refuse to believe that this is the case, it is my opinion that the I.R.S. is filled with competent I.T. workers that are smart and capable. It is my belief, that the upper management, some members of Congress, including the White House are involved in a conspiracy to keep those e-mails secret. Think about it for one moment. Why would would government officials, in particular publicly elected officials want to hide or discard those e-mails that Lois Lerner sent?

The answers are not hide to find, all we have to do is put two and two together and we will see that it is about keeping the current two party system in power and intimidating conservative groups. Congress requested the e-mails of Lois Lerner, and the I.R.S. from 2009 through 2011, when most of the targeting of the conservative groups were taking place. Now as the public pressure to investigate grew in 2013, Congress began its investigation, along with a White House promise to get to the bottom of this whole fiasco.

Unfortunately, Commissioner Koskinen promised to produce to all of Lois Lerner’s documents, when it came to time to hand in his homework, he failed to produce it. Why? Because to produce the documents in question would have exposed not just the members of Congress, the I.R.S. but would have implicated the White House. So, as a result, President Obama through indirect channels along with members of Congress told certain I.T. employees of the I.R.S. to make unavailable the documents in question.

It sounds crazy, right? Any one in their right minds would believe that a conspiracy such as this would be good for a Saturday Night Live comedy skit, but unfortunately, this is not the case. Remember:

  • if the United States government can fabricate an incident like the Gulf of Tonkin which led us straight into a conflict with Viet Nam and learn years later the event was a false flag,
  • if the government can fabricate a wild story, that a man in a cave orchestrated most massive conspiracy and attack against the United States, and yet there are so many coincidences that leaves much to the laws of physics being absent on that horrible day
  • if the government can fabricate a story that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and come to find out, Saddam Hussein had no WMDs
  • if the government can fabricate a story that only two brothers, Tamerlan and Jahar Tsarnaev with a rice cooker orchestrated a conspiracy knowing full well that they were in contact with the agencies of the CIA and FBI
  • if the government can fabricate a story, that a boy with asperger syndrome can suddenly become a mass murderer of 26 people

. . . than how can we believe what the government is saying is true? What makes you think the government would not fabricate another story?

Keep in mind, to question government version of events is paramount to being called paranoid, delusional or my favorite term, a conspiracy theorist. They like to call people who question the government narrative crazy, or that the Boogey man is out to get them. However, it is not a conspiracy theory or one isn’t being paranoid when the Boogey man actually does say he is out to get you!

Now back to the I.R.S., their I.T. and those lost e-mails. . .

Why this story continues to be a debate in the mainstream media and general public at large would be a topic appropriate for an investigative report in psychology and not an issue in the respective fields of I.T. or American politics. The average American citizen is not expected to have the technical expertise of complex enterprise e-mail systems or expertise of some one who has been in the I.T. field for the past 20 years. It should be noted that I am not field expert in enterprise I.T. solutions but base my observations for last 20 years from being in the field of I.T. as a programmer, operating systems enthusiast and having to interface / communicate with those involved with file server and e-mail administration.

Most big companies, like say, Adobe, Yahoo!, or Google have I.T. infrastructures with data retention. In other words, these big companies store information, like your emails, photos, documents, etc. on massive hard drives. The same can be said with the I.R.S., Congress, and the White House. These hard drives than are copied, and are backed-up onto other hard drives. Now, to ensure that the e-mail system is not damaged and to ensure continuity, there are secondary hard drives(5 to 10 or even more) connected to the e-mail system. These hard drives are called a R.A.I.D. The word R.A.I.D. stands for “Redundant Array of Inexpensive(or Independent) Disks.” There are different types of R.A.I.D. levels, but for the sake of simplicity, we’ll just say RAID. Now if main drive of the e-mail server fails, one of the RAID disks will pick up where the main drive left off. So this prevents the e-mail system from crashing and the data is still intact.

Now, every now and than, the e-mail server will do some house keeping called data backup. During a data back up, the e-mail system will take its current data from the main drive and copy itself to another hard drive. This hard drive that the e-mail is backed up to is than removed and a new blank disk is put in so that when the next scheduled back up occurs, it can put in the new data. Now most organizations use Microsoft Outlook as their client and Microsoft Exchange as their e-mail server. E-mail Servers can have terabytes of data backed up but which are accessible by simply using the e-mail server to get that data back or by using recovery software to retrieve e-mail. Now back ups can go as far back as 5 to 6 years depending on the I.T. infrastructure and resources available. Given that the I.R.S., Congress and White House have funds available courtesy of the American tax-payer to meet this kind of I.T. demand, the odds of them having e-mail back ups from the Bush, Sr. and Clinton days, odds are they have the e-mails of Lois Lerner and those involved in the conspiracy.

Now for the interesting part! If the White House, and I.R.S. use the software I think they use, also known as Microsoft products, on every PC that uses Microsoft Outlook, the email client, their exists a file called a PST file which holds also the emails that the user has sent, received or is in draft format. This file can grown very fast or very slow depending on the e-mail activity and my intuition tells me Lois Lerner, some members of Congress and the White House were extremely busy e-mailing each other over who to target. Now keep in mind, this communication could occur over other channels as well such as encrypted instant messages but for the sake discussion, lets concentrate on the e-mail client.

So an I.T. administrator could go into the e-mail server, either by using the interface or write a piece of programming code to literally go into hard disk and remove the e-mails in question of that user. By doing that, you erase the e-mails, however, there remains a problem: the back-ups! This would mean, that the I.R.S., and their co-conspiractors would have had to go into the data back-ups and do the exact same thing. Keep in mind, these data back-ups can range from gigabytes of data to terabytes of data. They would have to do this to also to those involved, such as the members of Congress that are involved to members of the White House. Odds are, they replaced those data drives with modified data which excludes mysteriously the incriminating evidence of Lois Lerner which could be just scrambled data. Another problem is that the e-mail keeps a log of all the activity, so we could pretty find out who e-mailed who, at what time and day. It won’t have the contents of the e-mail but you would get an idea of the activity.

So if I was looking something, I would start at the log level. Look at the data logs of the e-mail activity, and work your way backwards by subpoenaing the e-mails of those that e-mailed Lois Lerner, certainly their e-mails haven’t been damaged, and if they mysteriously are, than you know they deliberately deleted them. If they did, just go to the e-mail back-ups and that should have the answers.

Hopefully this gives you a small idea of how e-mail systems work, while I am not an expert by any means in e-mail servers or their administration, however, I have been dealing with people in the I.T. industry for 20 years who handle e-mail servers and data retention. So every now and than over the past 20 years, I have had to collaborate with them and learn how e-mail systems work because of projects I have had to do at work. So I would hope and think my experience is worth something, I hope. I would urge any one in the I.T. field, please fact check what I said, and if I am wrong, fine, feel free to mock me at my expense.

Oh yeah, one more thing, should this blog post “mysteriously” disappear, don’t worry, I have back ups and will be posted in different websites and locations!

A Little About Me:

Programmer since 1996: Java, PHP C, C++, JavaScript, VB, BASIC, PERL, bsh

Proficient in Linux/UNIX, MS Windows, OS X, VAX/VMS

Database Proficiency: mySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server

Proficient in MS Outlook, Thunderbird and most software used in enterprise level organizations