
Archive for the ‘fascism’ Category

The Importance of an Education

December 2, 2022 Leave a comment

In today’s time, it is vitally important to note that the purpose of an education, in part, is to not just to remember facts, or ramble off history, but rather to understand that the purpose of an education is to learn how to critically think, to analyze, to deduce through the process trial and error, and recognize the signs of tyranny at your door steps. We, here in America, couldn’t recogize tyranny even if it was delivering the mail to our doorsteps or staring at us in the face. Why? Because our own media are so busy showing us the tyranny of other nations, that they forgot to show us the tyranny happening here in our own land.

What we are witnessing in Iran, is not religious dogma run amok; religion is being used as the excuse for the state, in Iran, is committing the crimes it is doing to its own people. The same goes for China; culture is being use as an excuse for the state, in China, is committing crimes against its own people. The same goes for us here in America; an alleged pandemic is being used to institute the tyranny that befallen our sisters States. Of course, what was the line that the mainstream media, and mainstream authorities used? What was the common excuse that was used? I’ll give you a hint, it goes like this, “es ist zu deinem eigenen Besten!”

As a student of history, in evaluating nations that welcomed in tyranny, it is vitally important to remember this uncomfortable truth, that there is always a common line used, justification or excuse in and after every tyranny that has existed. In both past and present, they have this in common denominator for allowing it to happen, and it has always been: I was just following orders.

Being “Unvaccinated” is Not About Being A Hero

October 6, 2022 Leave a comment

If I may say, begin unvaccianted against COVID-19 was never about being a hero. This was about standing up to tyranny under the guise of “public safety.”

As an individual who chose not to get vaccinated, I did so because I believe no one has a right to tell me or you what goes in or out of my or your body. I, along with others rejected with the utmost conviction this calling to get “vaccinated” because when the government wants to force its will upon you under the guise of “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help” that’s the moment you must become suspicious of their motives. The moment any government wants to either give you or do something for you for free, that’s the moment you must become suspicious of their motives and why. I surely became suspicious, and any person who has read history would understand exactly what I am talking about.

We, at least here in America, the “unvaccianted,” are armed and guarded by the Declaration of Independence, and the constitution for the United States. These are the two most powerful weapons we have along with the courage of others to stand up and say, “we are not taking this nonsense sitting down.” At least for me, I can not speak for others, I looked at our ancestor brothers and sisters, the colonists, the Founding Fathers, people who fought for and are fighting for freedom for inspiration. I asked G-d to guide me to ask the right questions so that I could seek wisdom during this nonsense.

This process of being isolated, being told you must mask up, you must social distance, you must take the vaccine, you must get a vaccine passport and saying no to it all was and is not easy. The government in collaboration with the MSM, local and major businesses made sure to segregate us. However, but we continued to resist, and say the magic words they cringed to hear at every step of the way: NO, we will not comply. Period. There is nothing heroic about this, it is our duty to say no. Our founders understood this notion very well and it was cemented with this quote, “when tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”

As for the people who went along, who enforced, who collaborated along with the MSM, and the government this nonsense on their fellow citizens, who shunned others, who called us a danger to society, who wanted us arrested and put into us camps, all I can tell them is that eventually the crocodile will eventually eat you as Winston Churchill prophesied. As I have said before on many other forums, history has shown us you can not comply your way out of tyranny because eventually it will demand something of you where you will have no choice but to comply. In a greater sense, our own government, in collaboration with the MSM, and governmental institutions have become the domestic terrorists they keep telling us about.

We, the “unvaccinated,” are simply following the example of our fathers, in the spirit of ’76, to stand up, to resist to this tyranny who demand from us to move, and in response, we plant ourselves near the River of Truth, and tell these tyrants, “NO, YOU FUCKING MOVE!”

(Forced) COVID-19 Vaccine: We tried . . . .

October 10, 2021 2 comments

We tried scaring you but that didn’t work so

then we tried bribing you but that didn’t work so

then we tried guilting you but that didn’t work so

then we tried shaming you but that didn’t work so

then we tried blaming you but that didn’t work so

now we are going to threaten to fire you, so if that doesn’t work

next we are going to lock you out of society with vaccine passports, so if that doesn’t work

next we are going to take away your property and starve you, so if that doesn’t work

next we are going to force you at gun point into “guest facilities” where you can check in, but never check out. . . .

. . . .because we care about you!