
Archive for the ‘northam’ Category

Open Letter to the People of Virginia

January 19, 2020 Leave a comment

The word is out on the street that Governor Northam’s anti-Second Amendment is pushing the envelop with the Democrat controlled legislature. As an outside observer, I try to not comment in the internal affair of our sister States, in particular Virginia. Unfortunately, in my home State, New York, where they passed the S.A.F.E. Act, which is the communist governor of New York rammed through, in an attempt to out do California and Connecticut with their draconian anti-Second Amendment laws; some of us can not stay silent any more.

There are some that would argue that they, the politicians, will do what they want. That is true if you let them; therefore, I would urge you, our ancestor brothers and sisters, of Virginia do not let them do this to you. No one has a right to dictate to you how, and what weapon you choose to defend yourself, your freedom, your property, and family. No one has a right violate your rights to due process. No one has that right.

It was suggested by Democrat Representative Donald McEachin, that your governor “may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law.” If I was a betting man, that is a direct threat to the People of Virginia, that even if you disagree with our unconstitutional laws, he says they will use force to disarm you. Let us take a pause to digest those words echoed by your representative. From time to time, in my view, we must remind our elected leaders of the immediate reason of what led to the “shot heard ’round the world” and led to the foundation of our republic: gun confiscation.

Our constitution, the intention of it, is to formulate small delegated government whose powers are limited, defined and precise. Anything outside the bounds of that framework is unconstitutional; our court, the Supreme Court echoed those sentiments with their decision in 1803 with the case, Marbury versus Madison. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall echoed, the following:

“The powers of the legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the constitution is written.”

Let us remember those words carefully, as many of American men, have died to fight to preserve those words, so that our rights, our liberties and freedom, who bequeathed those rights to us as the guardians, maintainers of our constitution and rights. The power of your governor, its assembly are limited, precise and defined, do not let them go beyond the limitations placed on them by our ancestor forefathers with our constitution, and yours. Many people do not understand, but it is the Second Amendment that protects the other nine amendments.

Understand the lessons of history, that when a population are disarmed, tyranny is always around the corner. Just ask the victims of NAZI Germany, communist China, the people of Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, or Soviet Russia. It is not coincidence that all around our republic, you have individuals, and leaders (Bloomberg, Feinstein, Cuomo, their collaborators etc.) openly calling for your arms to be taken. These individuals, who in my view, are traitors to our republic. This is all done in the same of keeping your safe, where as they continue with their armed escorts, and while we continuously get disarmed. We, the people, are left then to rely on these puppets, the government to protect us.

Do not bend for these traitors, do not let them dictate to you. Do not take this standing down, on your knees like our brothers and sisters did in Massachusetts in the aftermath of the marathon bombing. Our brothers and sister in Massachusetts, under the name of safety were played like a violin into allowing their rights to be openly violated, and like a good subject, like a good slave; they openly and willingly said, “yes, massa, it is okay, you can point that gun in my face, come into my home without a warrant or cause, you can take me out of my house and treat me like a good run away slave! You are not slaves, you are American citizens, you have sacred rights and principles to defend. An American would not, and never tolerate such behavior.

You have the moral high ground, you are fighting for your rights as our colonial ancestor brothers and sister did against the king and bequeathed to us, the maintainers of those rights. Lastly, please know, that you have friends here in the North that are praying, and hoping for you; you are not alone.