
Archive for the ‘Eric Garner’ Category

Remember Her Name: Atatiana Jefferson

October 13, 2019 Leave a comment

It was just a week or so ago that former Dallas civilian police officer Amber Guyger was found guilty of the murder of Botham Jean and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Now, we have another killing, this time by the Fort Worth civilian police department. Another European American civilian police officer killing, and most likely, an unarmed African American citizen and her name was Atatiana Jefferson. Oh yeah, true to the form, the civilian police department has yet to release the name of the civilian police officer that shot, and killed Atatiana.

Here are the facts as we know them so far. A call was made by her neighbor, James Smith, to the Fort Worth civilian police department for a wellness check at around 2:25am. Why? Because the front door to the home of Atatiana Jefferson was open. Civilian police arrived, and according the Fort Worth civilian police, they searched the perimeter, one of the civilian police officers approached observed an individual standing near the window inside the residence, shouted “put your hands up, show me your hands” and then shot through the window. The window was covered with a Persian window blind and shade, which was partially closed.

The video of the incident can be found on YouTube or viewed below and was provided by WFAA.

There members of the African American community that are visibly upset and angered. It is evident because of the murders of Botham Jean and key witness Joshua Brown. It is alleged that the murder of Joshua Brown was done on suspicious circumstances, and people have taken to Twitter and other social media platforms to voice their disapproval of the explanation of the civilian Dallas Police Departments explanation of the turn of events that lead to the murder of Joshua Brown.

Why are members of the African American community upset?

Aiyana Jones

In order to understand the anger, we must first go back a few years. First there was the killing of seven year old Aiyana Jones by the civilian Detroit Police Department, where her killer, Joseph Weekley, was tried twice, and the results were both mistrials. To this day, he walks a free man and back on the job.

Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Terrence Crutcher, Philando Castile, Laquan McDonald, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice and the list goes on and on. Of course, then we have the European American counterparts, Daniel Shaver, James Boyd, Kelly Thomas, and again, the list goes on an on. What do all these cases have in common? The majority of these killings resulted in no jail time for any of the killers. In other words, the perpetrators of these injustices? They walk as free men, with the exception of Botham Jean’s and Walter Scott’s killers. There is a reason why the music group created the song, “Fuck the police” and it wasn’t because they were handing out parking tickets!

Remember their names!

New York Post Kisses the Back Side of the NYPD Pathetically

December 30, 2014 Leave a comment

Since the Eric Garner decision has come to light, and the grand jury decided not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, there has been a sudden backlash by the population against the NYPD. Further more, there is a huge disconnect between the NYPD and the people in which they are serving and are supposed to protect.

However, thanks to 7 judicial perverted individuals that wear black robes, also known as members of the United States Supreme Court, they decided that the police have no duty to protect to you(Castle Rock v. Gonzales), the people in which they are hired are supposed to protect and serve. So now, the NYPD serve as the strongmen and women of the city to enforce laws(cigarette tax enforcement), and policies(stop and frisk) that would make the NAZIS smirk. Hitler didn’t even have to invade the United States to institute policies that come straight out of the NAZI handbook. Interesting how history repeats itself?

Now, we have two people who died, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, who were police officers in the New York City because a deranged individual, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who took it upon himself to become judge, jury and executioner. The questions become why? Why would an individual in the prime of life, and full of potential to turn his life around would decide to kill not just two police officers, but also another human being, Shaneka Thompson, of whom the media is ignoring. Why are not also focusing on her life, too? Was her life of less value?

Oh that’s right, I forgot, the New York Post has to kiss the back side of the NYPD so that Peter Lynch doesn’t accuse the New York Post of having blood on their hands, too. This is akin to blaming every person who dislikes when NYPD officers breaks the law, like sodomizing a Haitian man and the people want accountability but are refused that accountability because their union says holding them accountable means that the Mayor doesn’t support the NYPD. Yes, that makes complete sense to me; what was I thinking?!

Of course, now we have Rafael Ramos funeral, and it was well attended by police officers from the city and other places. Rafael got more than what he deserved when the Mayor, William Di Blasio, spoke, and the police officers shamed themselves by turning their backs as he began to speak. Now, there is a time and place to hold your air grievances and protests. But at a funeral? The NYPD and Peter Lynch wants the Mayor’s office, and people to respect the NYPD but how can you respect an organization that is acting like a bunch of Kindergärtners? The New York Post is ignoring the bigger issue here, there is a large part of the populace in in New York City that do not respect the NYPD and the distasteful show that they put on at Rafael’s funeral not disrespectful to Rafael, but it was also disrespectful to his family who are mourning some one they loved dearly. Yet, the New York Post feels the need to add flame to the fire by saying, “no, Bill Bratton, The Post doesn’t hate de Blasio, we just love cops.” New York Post, you say you love cops because it is fitting your agenda Stockholm Syndrome diseased and depraved mentality because you simply don’t get it.

Remember, this is the same organization, the NYPD, that nearly allowed a riot to happen because Mayor David Dinkins wanted an civilian review board to review police misconduct. Where was the New York Post? Oh that is right, they were probably too busy kissing the back side of the NYPD.

The kicker is that the New York Post than claims that they speaks for the vast majority of New Yorkers who support the NYPD. Really? Since did you read the minds of all New Yorkers or even bother to either poll or ask what they thought? You know what happens when you assume, right New York Post?

Look, I am for the police getting the bad guy, going home to their families and having their beer once and a while with their colleagues. It would be insane of any one to want differently. I have family members who are members of the police, and I would be the biggest enemy of any one who would wish them harm. However, I wouldn’t be their biggest enemy my family members are police officers, but because they are family members, they are human beings, and there would be no low that I would stoop to ensure justice is served in timely and effective manner.

The blame for the current controversy can not be laid solely on City Hall’s door steps. The blame for the current controversy in reality is not hard to find. The blame resides with we, the people, ourselves, for properly holding accountable City Hall, for passing these laws that only hinder the population rather than help it, the NYPD for allowing stop and frisk, and allowing corruption within their ranks to continue, and the news media, like the New York Post, and New York Time, and New York Daily News for pouring gasoline on a well lit fire. These newspapers are self-serving rather than serving true journalistic ethical behavior. We must ask ourselves, when have these newspapers actually written stories, or articles that did not contain a biased opinion that would make Pravda giggle? We, the people, need to hold our representatives accountable not just at the ballot box, and history has shown that this is indeed not the case. Simply look at the policies that are being and ask what who are they really protecting? The elite? The rich?

If the members of the NYPD had any sense, they would do their jobs as they were hired to do, and do it Constitutionally. They would stop their “work stoppage” and honor their oath. There goes that word, “oath.” Remember that NYPD? Remember that little set of phrases you said before you became a member of the NYPD; in which you swore by oath or affirmation that you understood what was expected of you? You can continue to listen to your “boss” Peter Lynch, or you can do your jobs effectively, and Constitutionally, as we expect you to. I would prefer the latter, because the former is playing politics, and is using your as your pawns to further an agenda that suits their needs. Not yours. Do you really think Peter Lynch has your best interests at heart? Your boss, or rather your bosses are the people of New York City, and not a union president. Remember that; we pay your salaries, you are answerable to we, the people. So the NYPD can smirk and say that it doesn’t care, but remember, in the same vein that we, the people, gave them that power to police our streets is the exact power we can take it back from them and institute new institutions that would effect our happiness, liberties and prosperity.

Commentary: The deaths of NYPD Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos

December 21, 2014 Leave a comment

In moments of crisis, in moments when lives have been taken in our republic, that is the time to take time to pause, to take a step back we must think about our reactions. With a sound mind, we must come to a sound but reasonable approach to assess what exactly is happening and why.

The deaths of the two New York City police officers, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos have begun to set off a chain reaction that I believe will deepen the crisis that is happening through out our republic and the very people who are policing and enforcing the laws of the land.

I have mistrust of all law enforcement, I am biased against all law enforcement; however, I recognize, too, that they are human, they have families, they are a brother or sister, friend, a father or mother. In my initial reaction to the deaths of these officers, it was one cold hearted of jubilation that we have finally gotten two of theirs, that we have finally started to clean house against an organization that every one knows is corrupt accept the very people that work for the organization. It was at that moment I thought, “now how does it feels to have the shoe on the other foot?!”

In retrospect, this is the wrong sentiment to have because it is un-American; this is not how one instigates positive change throughout our republic. Yes, we want police to honor their oaths, yes, we want police to treat the very people in their communities with respect, and we want them to do the right thing. The senseless killing of two human beings because of being a police officer who did nothing wrong and being judged and summarily executed has never helped to bring about positive change.

We had momentum going and the people on our side, and now that this tragedy has unfolded, I fear we have lost that momentum because of one single individual who believed it was his right to take the lives of two human beings. These two human beings, even though who are a part of an organization that is highly racist, bigoted and corrupt, I do not doubt the sincerity of the mass of these two men, and others, who simply doing their jobs. We do not have to like their profession, but we should at least respect them as human beings.

Undoubtedly, the deaths of these human beings will only deepen the crisis that before us, and I only fear that now we will see people more on edge. I think it is critical that we as a people take a step back, let us reflect carefully, and thoroughly before we act. A simple solution would be, for us, as Americans, to regain our perspective, to read our Constitution, to read our history, to read our Declaration of Independence, and than look at the laws that our Congress, State and local governments are passing that to allow our freedoms to be taken away as they are now. If we were more attentive to what is happening to our freedoms, we would have not seen the deaths of not just these two police officers. In addition, we would not have seen the deaths of Eric Garner, Aiyana Jones, Christopher Dorner, Kelly Thomas, Christopher Smith, Brandon Paudert, Bill Evans and countless others.

Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos did not deserve to die, they did nothing wrong, and to those saying that they did. Ask yourself this simple question, if it was your father, friend, brother, sister, mother or loved one who was summarily executed because they believed differently than you do, how would you react or feel? Before your answer that question, be a human being with compassion.

It is important that we as Americans must very carefully look ourselves in the mirror; the world is watching. Do we want lawlessness and corruption that is representative of a third world country? Do we want senseless revenge killings of fellow Americans because they disagree on the law, and the Constitution?

The last time we had senseless killings of fellow Americans, it happened at a time when families were torn apart, our Sister States fought against one another, friends, and neighbors became enemies, and 600,000 Americans lost their lives. We must than ask ourselves where is it that we want to be as a republic, as a nation and union of many sovereign States in the common cause of Constitutional Liberty, the rule of law, as envisioned by our Fathers and an example to the candid world.

The Enemy Within: The Real Terrorists

July 28, 2014 Leave a comment

There are few in this age of information, of the present, that can truly testify to the magnitude of the urgency of the current threat before us. Our national government, our law enforcement, our leadership, have painted a “Boogey man” or “Boogey men” and these men are in our midst waiting to cause havoc, to murder us, to brutalize us, to maim us, and to ultimately enslave us all under the color of law and rightful authority over us.

It is rather difficult to pen these words, but it is important that as human beings, when we see wrong, we must speak out, we must use our voices, and attempt to be heard in order to be understood. This is my attempt.

Recently, the world, was privileged in seeing a man who was a fallible human being, a father, a son, a friend and most importantly a fellow brother in humanity. His name was Eric Garner, he was recently murdered because he decided to right a wrong, to end a conflict between two individuals, a noble deed that one would believe to be honorable among men.

Police would later come, and accuse him selling loose-single cigarettes, in which he was arrested for on numerous occasions. It was this accusation that would lead to his demise. A video surfaced that showed the nature in which Eric Garner was pleading to police that he had done nothing wrong, except end hostilities between two individuals. The New York Police Department officers decided that he was guilty, and thus came the sequence of events that would later end Eric Garner’s life.

There is no book in existence today, I believe, that can truly describe a person who is pleading, begging, asking and praying for their life. There is no book in existence, I apprehend, that can truly represent suffering in its purest form. Eric Garner, was privileged in being murdered by the very people who have sworn, by oath, and affirmation, to defend, and protect the citizenry in which they represent and live among. Like so many, since the “war on terror” began on 9/11, Eric Garner, is now part of that ribald statistic that informed Americans now dread. Five thousand people have now perished at the hands of the very people who are supposed to protect their communities from that criminal element in society.

As Eric Garner was taken down by those police officers on the mere accusation of selling loose-single cigarettes, he was than placed in a choke hold, and as he lay there with other police officers on top of him, he pleaded, he begged, he attempted to beseech them to allow him to breath. As one of the officers, releases his hold on his neck, the other officers place their weight upon Eric Garner, thus inducing more stress, and then one of the officers puts pressure on his head and making what was once a simple encounter of inquiry into outright murder.

Paramedics were called to the scene, and rather than perform their duties as they trained to be, they rendered no aid, no comfort, no slight in any form human of compassion to another brother in humanity. They allowed a fellow human being to expire without effort to save him. It was rather just for them to allow Eric Garner to die because of the lack of inhumanity.

The video of Eric Garner’s death, in which leaves me in sad and depressed state of remorse for the many victims of this form of crimes against humanity upon thought. It leaves me wondering of the  long train of abuses by our law enforcement officers through out these United States.

The many victims of this brutality comes to my mind, among them, Kelly Thomas, whose pleas for his life went ignored as police savagely beat him so relentlessly that he eventually, too, succumbed to his injuries, after being removed from life support. His perpetrators, at the time of this writing, continue to walk free, while Kelly Thomas rests.

The very nature of these heinous acts cries out for the goodness of men, the unity of us all, to act. The question becomes, when will we act? When will we say that is not the America that the Founding Fathers envisioned?

One of the great Founding Fathers of our republic once said, “when governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” What we are living in is our Founding Fathers’ worst nightmare, the republican form of government, along with their Constitution turned upside-down, tyranny. Yet, the few, and concerned American citizens who call out this tyranny are faced with ridicule, accusations of mental illness, delusional, paranoid or worse are subject to the subjugation of the government and their agents, known as law enforcement.

How many other Eric Garners, Aiyana Jones, Rodney Kings, or Kelly Thomas‘ have to happen before we understand the nature of the enemy to liberty, to our republican form government, to our Constitution? Is it not the nature of government to secure our liberties, and not destroy them? Yet, today, our government is arming itself with 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, giving local enforcement weapons and tools of war. One has to ask, are they expecting more Eric Garner incidents on a grander scale that would merit an MRAP or Bearcat vehicle to apprehend these loose-single cigarette dealers? This is the same government or group of individuals in power that would want us, the citizenry to trust them with all these armaments, laws and domestic spying and while claiming if we disarm, if we surrender our freedom, they will protect us? How well did that work for Eric Garner? How was he protected? I submit to the candid world, I would rather fight for my liberty, be considered an outlaw than submit to tyranny under the color of law under the guise of keeping us safe.

It was that argument, to keep us safe, that Mao Zedong, Hitler, Pol Pot, Marcos, Chavez and Stalin used to convince their populace that under the color of law, it is okay to not be armed, that the government will be there for you. It wasn’t that long ago, here in America, Native Americans of all walks of life were shown the true nature of our government when they were practically, and systemically led to slaughter under the color of law. In addition, Americans of Japanese descent were told to leave their homes, to live, like Native Americans in concentration camps. However, to save face, our government, with the media complicit called them internment camps lest we be associated with the atrocities occurring in NAZI Europe. The only ones that did fight back here in America were the Native Americans against law, against the United States, State & local governments against what they understood to be tyranny under the color of law.

Here we are, years later, and we see our very own government, an agent supposedly of the people brutalizing us and yet all we hear are words but no action. No one will be held accountable for the wanton murder of Eric Garner, Kelly Thomas, Aiyana Jones, James Boyd or Christopher Lopez. Eventually, the masses will tire of this form of behavior, and the long war of words will be transformed in a war of open conflict. The argument will thus than be exhausted, on one side we will have patriots of our republic, armed & guarded by the Constitution and the revolutionary blood of our Founding Fathers, and on the other, a repressive authority, with their respective followers, whose behavior can only be categorized as tyrants and tyrant admirers whose goal is to enslave.

The question we must ask ourselves, do we sit or stand idly by when we are witnessing another Eric Garner incident? Do we cower in respective corner, and like a good slave, we listen to our masters and stand back as they murder an American citizen? How bad does it have to get in our republic before any one, myself included, and you do something? How many Constitutionally protected and guaranteed rights does the police, State and local governments have to violate before we act?


A Note From Eric Garner(Photo)

July 22, 2014 Leave a comment



For Eric Garner, who never had a chance with New York’s Finest. . . .

If you see something, do something!